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for tantalog dictionary

3/10/2016 c1 MKR
"na la queesta" is actually said as "Meega Nala Queesta!" and directly translates as "I want to destroy!"
6/29/2015 c1 2LightningZephyr
Na la Queesta means I will destroy, it's been confirmed by the creators of Lilo and stitch.
7/28/2014 c1 Guest
Doesn't Meega nala queesta mean "I will destroy"?
2/23/2014 c1 Guest
Na la questa means f you in tantalog
10/11/2013 c1 Guest
Amazing. This helped me a lot... now I can finally understand what my freinds are saying ;) thanks a lot!
5/14/2013 c1 Lexxxxx
Where did you learn all this?
5/18/2010 c1 1Adran06
Okay, I'm gonna be nice about this. Put this on a Wiki or something online. You aren't allowed to post this kind of thing on Fanfiction. I'll bookmark this, and give you a week to copy it to somewhere else. If its still here, I'm afraid I'll have to report it. I really don't want to, but its the rules. Its a great, very useful list, but it cant be here.


3/14/2010 c1 6Two-Tone Dearly
nice dictionary, comes in handy when writing Lilo and Stitch fanfics or on Roleplay boards when RPing as Stitch or Angel or the other experiments (cept for Nosy, Bonnie, Clyde, Slick, and Reuben since they all speak english)
2/14/2010 c1 38Juria
Awesome, and informative! :D

Of course, I caan only think of one you forgot, Boochi Boo, which I think means boyfriend/girlfriend, or it could mean lover. Still, interesting all around. :D
11/1/2009 c1 2EvaTheNymphe
cool!i've been looking forthis!but what means okie-taka?
9/10/2009 c1 666arashi wolf princess
This list would come in handy for future stories for Lilo and Stitch i might write later on. You don't mind if i copy and past the words to have for stitch to talk.
8/23/2009 c1 2xgfhj
Those lists, the second and third ones, are fake. You can even see where they contradict themselves; Naga = No, Jaba Ramid Nye Hassin = Long time "no" see; and each other, Cama'ahar Teh Tebracres? = "What" Is Your Name, "Gaba" ika tasoopa = "What's" the big deal. I cloud rant on about this but I won't, I'll just say there is no real translation, and reread the story guidelines, lists are not allowed.
8/22/2009 c1 8Overandout13
Wow. How'd you learn all this. Dedication I suppose. I like it.
8/22/2009 c1 10xenonentity
Wow, this is cool! ^^

Where'd you get all this information? xD
8/22/2009 c1 13Kitten630
Wow. Now THIS, will defiantly come in handy!

Yours truly, Kitten630

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