Just In
for Someone's Sleeping in my Bed

1/14/2019 c1 zoenightshade246
3/17/2018 c1 lanalight1
this is so cute
1/24/2017 c1 45SuperHeroFan82
LOL. That's cute.
1/21/2017 c1 Kyky
That is sooooo cute !
9/17/2015 c1 2SuperNovKim
Lol funny and cute love it! It was adorable and lol the press! Love it!
6/17/2015 c1 15LavenderBlossom74
Funny, who doesn't love paparazzi?
6/22/2013 c1 2TheBatmanlover4evagirl
Awww, it's cute :3
I hope you'll write more of these! :D
5/23/2013 c1 dangerousfox112
Arww cute :)
8/31/2012 c1 2SpaceEngineerPeanut
Very nicely done! I love father/son stories, thank you.
6/2/2012 c1 Koinu-chan
pretty good for you'r first fic. cute an fluffy would be nice if u continue it instead of a oneshot.
4/19/2012 c1 19Skimaskmaster
Nyaaaaaaa! Cute! I can imagine dick right now...! Big baby blue eyes
1/13/2012 c1 1Your Local Cow
Oh, so heartwarming! 3
8/21/2011 c1 33kagome04
This is so cute! I loved it! it is so sweet.
7/30/2011 c1 Anonimo
Muy linda historia, me gusta ver el lado paternal de Bruce, es reconfortante pensar que tiene un lado humano amable y sensible.
6/27/2010 c1 17bat-with-butterfly-wings
Aw so cute! great work!
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