Just In
for Of Course He Remembered

11/30/2020 c1 1THGHPTVD.2
Damn ... Well written. Thank you for writing :)
10/15/2019 c1 AnnaOxford
Confused, but it was really cute
5/20/2014 c1 12purplepam
Wow...That was nice. There were some typos but they were very few. I loved it. Great job.
2/26/2014 c1 samisagirl1225
Beautiful story. Loved it. Draco instead of Viktor, nice :)
7/8/2012 c1 4Audrey333
Lovely oneshot! I quite enjoyed the retelling of the Yule Ball. Nicely written.
10/13/2011 c1 irianaceleste
What happened at the end? Darn, I wish that bit was more detailed.
6/14/2011 c1 AlenaT
I really loved this story... loved the post-its!
5/23/2011 c1 6kataragurl27
i like it
5/21/2011 c1 fanismymiddlename
A sweet story,absolutely adorable.
11/1/2010 c1
Great story (: I really liked your ending even though i got a bit confused with the disappearance it didnt take away from your writing. The post it notes were a great idea . haha i absolutely loved that (^_^) . Even though i would have enjoyed another chapter or a sequel i think it was a great way to end things. Sweet and mysterious (: ~ Great job! I encourage you to continue writing!
9/5/2010 c1 12elephantsneverforget
I very much loved this story. :)
7/30/2010 c1 1Los Grotos
How very sweet.
7/20/2010 c1 8XxShugoCharaCafexX
OMG! This is fantastic! I love hermione and Draco pairing and this story just made me like it even more! Keep writing! OMG, J.K.Rowling NEEDS to read this!
7/19/2010 c1 1aac92
so this made me smile :) alot. in case you were wondering.
7/18/2010 c1 flakesbeauty
very nice story indeed, i like it when draco asked Hermione to go to the yulle ball
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