6/10/2010 c6 permanentlyinactive9318
I can't believe you said this was a bad story I thought it was VERY GOOD :D I loved how you out in the author's thoughts into the story it made me smile because it was funn! XD And the Channy moments were uber cute and you portrayed Dakota as really mean and you did that very well! You are so silly to think it's bad I think it's WONDERFUL! :) Is it finished yet? You said it was in the last chapter, but I don't see the "Complete" Date...anyhoo be sure to write more funny-and-cute fluffy stories like this! :)
I can't believe you said this was a bad story I thought it was VERY GOOD :D I loved how you out in the author's thoughts into the story it made me smile because it was funn! XD And the Channy moments were uber cute and you portrayed Dakota as really mean and you did that very well! You are so silly to think it's bad I think it's WONDERFUL! :) Is it finished yet? You said it was in the last chapter, but I don't see the "Complete" Date...anyhoo be sure to write more funny-and-cute fluffy stories like this! :)
9/26/2009 c6
Awesome series! can't wait for the latest buzz one! Sorry I didn't review more...I REALLY liked your story!

Awesome series! can't wait for the latest buzz one! Sorry I didn't review more...I REALLY liked your story!
9/26/2009 c1 myjumpingsocks
Ah! Ok i would to support you by making a long and awesome review but i REALLY wanna see what happens next so...I'm gonna have to keep reading!
Ah! Ok i would to support you by making a long and awesome review but i REALLY wanna see what happens next so...I'm gonna have to keep reading!
9/3/2009 c6
Ha ha. Ha. Ha ha ha. Lots o' Laughter (that's my LOLs. I don't like laugh out loud.)
That was seriously funny. (LOLERs at the Cookies and Scream) I can't wait for more great stories! Whoopee!
Oh, and if you ARE going to make an Alternate Ending, make sure to keep that cookies and scream part. I'm just kidding. It's up to you, but Ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. HA!

Ha ha. Ha. Ha ha ha. Lots o' Laughter (that's my LOLs. I don't like laugh out loud.)
That was seriously funny. (LOLERs at the Cookies and Scream) I can't wait for more great stories! Whoopee!
Oh, and if you ARE going to make an Alternate Ending, make sure to keep that cookies and scream part. I'm just kidding. It's up to you, but Ha. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. HA!
9/2/2009 c6
13Mrs Shades
WHAT? its finished?
damn i was enjoying it so much
i think its the fanfic i'v enjoyed the most
well it had to end sometime i guess
fab story :D

WHAT? its finished?
damn i was enjoying it so much
i think its the fanfic i'v enjoyed the most
well it had to end sometime i guess
fab story :D
8/31/2009 c5 Mouse
This is so funny. I love where you put Selena Gomez in. She;s my second favorite Disney star.
This is so funny. I love where you put Selena Gomez in. She;s my second favorite Disney star.
8/31/2009 c5
13Mrs Shades
that is awsome
ab fab
but dakota to kiss chad :O how dare she steal him from sonny
chad will never get dakota anyway hes like 8 years old that her

that is awsome
ab fab
but dakota to kiss chad :O how dare she steal him from sonny
chad will never get dakota anyway hes like 8 years old that her
8/30/2009 c4
first of all longness is best second eep third i loved it please write more

first of all longness is best second eep third i loved it please write more