Just In
for Hinderella

12/29/2010 c2 raingirl777
Why did you make this story rated T ?
10/21/2010 c7 JenniferJoy26
I love the story, as a child i love the book and then movie "Cinderella[sp]". Also, i like reading the stories about Naruto and Hinata. you did a great job writing this.
5/13/2010 c7 1kiuibi123
10/12/2009 c7 Fumetsu Kaji
It was all good until the Sakura getting Sasuke thing. But I did like the story.
8/31/2009 c6 Godschildtweety
i love it
8/31/2009 c5 Godschildtweety
i love it
8/31/2009 c4 Godschildtweety
i love it
8/31/2009 c3 Godschildtweety
i love it
8/30/2009 c7 5Rose Tiger
Sorry! I was wrong about chapter 6! Forget about that review! This story was short, but nice! What happened to the stepmom?
8/30/2009 c6 Rose Tiger
This chapter is the same as chapter 5! Fix it!
8/30/2009 c3 Rose Tiger
That stupid stepmom!
8/29/2009 c2 Gravity The Wizard
Poor Poor Hinerella!
8/29/2009 c2 Godschildtweety
i love it can't wait for more thanks for the quick update
8/29/2009 c2 Rose Tiger
You think that step-mom is bad? I'm making a Snow White version of Naruto! Please keep going!
8/29/2009 c1 Godschildtweety
i love it can't wait for more
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