Just In
for Two of Us

9/28/2010 c4 19Vithian
We all know that doing the dishes after Kakashi cooked is practically suicide. Iruka must have the... something of a something! Come on, I only just got off work, cut me some slack!

I really love the Lost and Found/Further Findings story! Trust me, if you hadn't already wrote a sequel, I'd be begging for one. As it is, I still want another, but since you already wrote one... Please?

Keep going! It's been way too long since you updated this!

8/4/2010 c3 16unjaundiced
You really should right sequels more often. *rubs tummy fuzzies* Curse you for making me squee internally every time I read this
8/4/2010 c4 unjaundiced
Since I officially have an account, I review for you! I love love LOVE your super cute stories! (*w*) Must have mohr!

p.s. Washing messy jounin dishes takes the love of epic proportions XD
5/13/2010 c4 jo
*smile* loved it! ;D!
3/2/2010 c4 Serenityofthematrix
this was really good..and sweet
3/2/2010 c3 Serenityofthematrix
aww I liked was nice
3/2/2010 c2 Serenityofthematrix
this was really funny
3/2/2010 c1 Serenityofthematrix
this was nice
3/1/2010 c4 sara
ah so beautiful, lovely story, thank you.
3/1/2010 c1 9Fearless-Elegance
"that was...only a first draft?"

Ah! So totally Kakashi! Such a cute first chapter.
2/8/2010 c3 17crazy-says-I
Aww that was a good ending! HK + UI haha. Iruka would so be doodling like that. ^.^ Great story!
11/1/2009 c3 Monkeypies11
I love these so very very much! I would love to read more of them! xD 3
9/15/2009 c3 Wordsplat
yay yay yay yay! Now for your second begging session: more please? This is way too good not to continue =3
9/14/2009 c2 Wordsplat
so cute! LOVED it! Especially Kakashi's little leers...hee hee
9/14/2009 c2 3tearfularcher
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