Just In
for President Moss

5/14/2022 c1 15Andromedanaea
I very much would like to see this continued!
10/22/2018 c1 Marty B
Please continue this story! VERY INTERESTED!
10/12/2018 c1 paueorr
I'd read this if you continued it.
10/8/2018 c1 Netchka
Wow! Quite the start to a story. Looking forward to reading more when you continue writing.
1/24/2018 c1 Zukafew119
I like this story very much and it is a pitty that you didn't write more on this story. You did a great job hooking my interest, hopefully you will some day will expand on this story but if you don't that's ok.
11/27/2017 c1 Marty Bing
Loving it so far...MORE PLEASE!?
9/20/2017 c1 Guest
Still as good a start as I remember
7/16/2016 c1 10Just a Crazy-Man
Bravo...very nice lov it
4/11/2016 c1 Guest
12/14/2014 c1 thunder18
Great chapter Update soon
3/6/2014 c1 24Zarbi
Please continue

6/22/2013 c1 Guest
go for it, this could be very interesting the other cross over you could think about play with is Jeremiah
3/11/2013 c1 22edboy4926
Interesting intro
Please continue
9/29/2011 c1 5SuperKittyCat
Loved the story, hope you will continue
9/15/2011 c1 3kingnick104
great story so far are you going to publish another chapter?
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