Just In
for Discovering the Radio

9/6/2012 c1 6kaaterina petrova
This is hilarious - I want to listen to the radio, now!
4/16/2010 c1 isbelle
it was really good and does lizzys brother hava name?:)
3/6/2010 c1 alphafashionista
Hey, lizzy's little brother, :D it's very good! you sould make an acount of ur own!
9/7/2009 c1
Interesting idea, the execution could have been a little better.

Pretty sure the wizarding world uses the radio, only they call it the wireless. Could have worked this in, the boys all confused about a "radio" and then Lily brings hers out and one of them (I see Sirius saying this) says, "Oh, a WIRELESS, why didn't you say so, Lily?" And then they all have fun with the radio.

Also, and this is just a personal opinion, I don't like the song lyrics just thrown into the fic. I had this image in my head of the characters just sitting there not moving, staring into space. You kind of lose the characters when you throw in huge blocks of lyrics. Maybe you could have put in part of the lyrics, interspersed with bits of what the characters are doing, little conversations?

Just some thoughts. There were a few really good moments, I quite liked James and Sirius. Keep writing!
9/7/2009 c1 1BlossomQuill
OMG! I love this! The final countdown lolz!

Caitlin (Cat) xx
9/7/2009 c1 15The Duchess of Telmar
I think the wizarding world already uses the radio...

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