Just In
for One Crazy Life

9/4/2010 c6 TexasTwilight77
Okay we can add crazy bitches to the buffett. Seriously can't wait to see what the hell is going on with Edward. Great chapter. ;)
9/4/2010 c5 TexasTwilight77
I'm gonna take a big leap and guess that Edward never got Bella's letters. Can't wait to find out. ;)
9/4/2010 c4 TexasTwilight77
Well dang, you've got it all in this one. Tats, actors, major coupling, unrequented feelings, it's like a ff buffett! Excellent job. ;)
9/4/2010 c3 TexasTwilight77
Well this is definitely not like other stories that run this plot line. I like it. ;)
9/4/2010 c2 TexasTwilight77
Loved this chapter, can't wait to see how Edward took the news and how he's dealing with it. Excellent job. ;)
9/4/2010 c1 TexasTwilight77
So I was looking through a million and one stories trying to find something new to read and found this little gem. So far so good, love how informative Bella is! Can't wait to see where you're taking this. ;)
9/2/2010 c7 4Angelfallen4
Oo- interesting! Update?
8/10/2010 c7 polyphany
Amazing story, can't wait to read more!
8/3/2010 c7 kismit1496
augh I can't believe that this hasn't been updated in forever and here I am completely sucked in!

Alice/Tanya/Jasper would make for a great scene hehe!
7/20/2010 c7 edmom
i just found and love woul love to see more
7/19/2010 c7 5Jadalulu
Back the truck up! I loved that! Amen Alice! I wanna tacopunch Irina, and you actually wrote a Tanya that I like! Who knew? Omg-please hook Rosalie & Em up! ExB is squickin me out! I get how important he's been to her & the kids though, but hopefully now that the shit is out and they realize me didn't know, it will put a different spin on things. I hope he gets the chang to know them. What a bitch...Irina blows. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
7/19/2010 c6 Jadalulu
Oh fuck that! Bitch isn't pregnant in her face! I wouldve lead her over to the nice cushy sofa and punched her ass now I see why he never got the letters. Obsessed assistant? I hope she gets hers.
7/19/2010 c5 Jadalulu
Um...yes please! Yummy yummy Edward! He's so cute-all confused and shit. So I take it he never got the letters? Well damn. Poor thing, I feel sorry for him. This is gonna hit him like a ton of bricks. Tee hee, drunk B is funny.
7/19/2010 c4 Jadalulu
Oh snap. Yup this is the extent of my review skills.
7/19/2010 c3 Jadalulu
Of shit this cracks me up! I wanna nibble on Seth...his underwear rant was hilarious! And Leah reminds me of what my daughter will most likely be like at 5. I gotta say Em and B knockin boots kinda threw me. *cough*sendinRosalie*cough* anyways... I like how unique your characters are, even if you got Alice muff divin :-) i'm totally obsessed with this now! Oh yeah! The piano/pocket protector/tae kwan do bit had me crackin up! Atleast she's real about it! Reading onward...
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