Just In
for The Right to Serve

12/9/2022 c3 Llanea
Excellent start. Any chance it will continue?
4/6/2022 c3 81MummaBear1o
I wish you’d have finished this story… you had a good beginning going and I was looking forward to the promised Gibbs/McGee.
8/31/2021 c3 Wendy Gray
All this is wonderful. But where is the rest of it?
3/10/2021 c3
I know that it’s been 10 years, and I don’t even know if you still check this profile, but half the reason I still know my login for this site is so that I can still come back and reread it after all these years. It’s really stuck in my head since the first time I read it.
1/28/2021 c3 Guest
this is a masterpiece
12/28/2020 c3 Margaret
Hey. Keep writing this story. It is good and I want to know what happens next.
8/11/2020 c3 17miseria
Loved this! I hope you're healthy and happy, whatever you're doing now :)
7/17/2019 c3 36germankitty66
In best tradition of this site, all I can say is, "OMG, moar, plz!"

Seriously, this is one of the best and most intriguing starts on the various topics inherent in the fandom/trope (and the characters involved) that I've seen. Heck, except for the military/law enforcement aspect, not even the fandom really matters - I could almost randomly switch character names and see it working just as well. So, great job!

I know it's been literally years that you've worked on this, so chances are more than slim (if not non-existent), but I'll say it regardless: "Update soon, can't wait!"
6/16/2019 c1 AliinaSuomi
like many, I have only recently found this story. it is sad that this story is indeed unfinished and do hope you are fine. Maybe just needed a break from writing? That is okay, can happen
still, hope you will finish this story one day
6/4/2018 c3 Momcat
Hey McStories, I just found out your NCIS stories, loved them but was deceived to find this one unfinished and untouched for seven years. Your pen name made me think that you write mostly McGee centered NCIS fanfics which is not the case either. I hope that you're all right, just please please update this story pretty soon. I wonder if you had already planned the plot and the ending. Detective Person is a homophobe bastard but he's also a prejudiced asshole ! One may not agree with the lifestyle but no one has the right to misjudge and mock people because of their preferences. Tony didn't act better, if you ask me. I remember him spreading rumors about McGee's sexuality-even without knowing him really-and mocking him for using lotions and no one telling him to stop on the show all those seasons. He acted like a damn homophobe even if he said that he's not one. Abby is my second unfavorite character. She's a spoiled egoistic bitch who used McGee's feelings and put him down every occasion she had. She isn't acting better here either. Instead of trying to help Tim she ignores his pain, grief and scolds him for not telling her everything? Like always she's only thinking of herself, you're portraying her as she really is in the show. Even if the scenarists started to show her in a more mature way and a real friend towards McGee in the last few seasons, it doesn't make us forget the shitty was she treated Tim for more than 10 seasons. I don't regret her departure from the show, apparently it was long overdue. Cheers, and I hope you'll be able to update soon !
6/2/2018 c1 BabyGhost123
I hope that everything is alright with you, and that everything is going well. This story is pretty amazing. I don't really have words that can be explained on this piece that you have created. I always had the story downloaded, but I never commented- and now I am to see if you will reply (Wishful thinking 'sigh'). This is an amazing story with an OMC within the story line even though he is dead. Not many individuals that write within the NCIS Fanfics have ever written an OMC with Tim, and if it's not OMC, its with Kurt.

I hope that you haven't given up on the story because I am 100% ready for another chapter to see what will occur. Just wondering, is Tony really homophobic about Tim having a boyfriend, or is he just in shock that Tim is what a man. Who knows? Those that are still infatuated with this story will only figure it out come the next chapter.
11/3/2017 c3 13libbyluvs
Aaaaaaaaaaaaahh! I freaking love it!
10/22/2017 c3 Princess Hinata Bug
Please tell me you are not done with this story. It's really good. I want to see how it ends.
2/19/2017 c1 cfz
Want to read this but can't get started on something that hasn't had an update in almost 6 years. Sorry.
9/10/2016 c3 Peaches47
Gasp! I can't believe that's all! Please, please, *please* finish the story! This has incredible potential.
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