Just In
for The Right to Serve

8/25/2010 c1 17meegeesgeek
I was so happy to see you update this story. i stumbled upon the first chapter a few weeks ago and i was immediately drawn to it. I mean it has all the makings for a superb story-a sad Tim, a paternal Gibbs, and a interesting case.

I loved this update and I think it was right on par with the first chapter. I really enjoyed the large scene with Gibbs and Tim. The three adjectives-suspect, witness, and McGee were wow, and it was interesting to see what would win out among them. Loved protective Gibbs here and how he helped Tim realize that he was still a wanted and valuable member of the team, and he helped get him out of his head space. I was sad by seeing Tim so glazed over but I was the same way when I stumbled upon a member of my family dead. I mean it just takes you by surprise.

I like the way you are approaching the whole gay aspect of the story. I think you are presenting everything in a very realistic light so bravo! Loved Ziva being there for Tim, and I actually wan;t surprised that it was her-she also seems to have the ability to overcome and react before others can. I too can understand Tony and his reacting a bit slow but hopefully that won't last forever.

Cannot wait for an update but I will be patient!
8/25/2010 c2 50AnimeSiren
I was pleasantly surprised by this update! Thanks so much for writing!
8/25/2010 c2 Lady Cecilia Rose
Oh noes sad face tim! I am excited that you've decided to continue, however long it takes ^_^ Your other NCIS fic is one of my faves (and of course I adore your Treks so... yeah) so I am looking forward to the next installment, whenever it happens!
8/25/2010 c2 Juke21
So glad you are continuing. Looking forward to more.
8/25/2010 c2 32Wingstar102
Holy shit. Umm, yeah, just as good as the first chapter, so no worries, there. And fuck! Just so... real and surreal, you know? I will beg and grovel in worship for more, will even offer blowjobs for this fic! Please?

Love and cherries,

8/25/2010 c2 mcnozzolovin
wow! i'm glad you have updated... =D

When i was rampaging the NCIS fanfic archive, I was looking for really good McNozzo fics. This one caught my interest, and I cannot wait for what will happen next...

good luck...and i'll be looking forward to your next update! =D
8/25/2010 c2 1Nekojin7209
AW, why didn't tony come in and help mcgee? i just want to hug mcgee, i feel so sorry for him. losing a lover is never easy, and when it's murder? ouch...

great job with the chapter, i loved it. and don't be nervous to please everyone with your story. it's awesome and it's your story, write it how you want it to go, we'll love it no matter what. :D i mean how can we not? it has sad mcgee in it (very well written i might add, i love how you keep everyone in character) just one request though...Could you make this story have a happy ending? please, please? update soon, take care my friend, Brittney
8/25/2010 c2 95smartkid37
ooh! whoo hoo! She's back!

yea! **happy dance**

This was worth the wait!

I absolutely love the way you have us seeing exactly what Gibbs is thinking


that he put Tim's role as 'one of his own' first

and got him to snap out of it in a way that worked for the both of them - not set Tim back in his head

great job

I'm curious to see what Ducky's reaction really is

and Abby's too.

I loved Ziva's not abandoning Tim.

Tony's struggle is understandable, but let's hope he snaps out of it - after all, he's never had an issue with it before, right?

can't wait for the next chapter

oh, all right, I'll wait.

patience does wonders

especially when you make it worth the wait like you did with this one
8/25/2010 c2 HaremPriestess

I was so sad when I'd read on I think your lj that you probably wouldn't be continuing this.

And to come to for my nightly check and see it updated? Makes my DAY and NIGHT and probably at this point WEEK.

So happy! I know to be patient, having followed through all of Have to Drive. But I also know it will be SO worth it.


And NOW I will read chapter 2 :)
8/25/2010 c2 munchkin
YES! YES! YES! She is continuing the story! (munchkin dances a happy dance around the room)

I have checked back on this one over and over. (I think I even left more than one review on it.) For some reason, the first chapter of this really struck a note with me. It was Gibb's reaction to the homophobic cop that I loved. The dead Marine was a Medal of Honor recipient. You don't get those out of a Cracker Jack box. Those are EARNED! Usually with a lot of pain and a lot of blood involved. The dead man DESERVES respect and Gibbs is going to make damned sure he gets it. YOU GO GIBBS! Then, he finds out the man's partner was none other than McGee? You had me - hook, line and sinker.

You are such a wonderful writer I really hate to lose to you another fandom. Couldn't you just keep your hand in here, too? Would bribes help? There could be serious virtual cookies in it for you. Which do you like better, Chocolate Chunk or Pecan Sandies? :D

Can't wait to see where you go with this. I'll be waiting, however long it takes!
8/24/2010 c2 615878archive
YOU UPDATED! I just finished reading the chapter and I still can't believe it :D I honestly never thought this story would ever continue, which was a huge drag considering what an awesome writer you and the epic first chapter this story had. I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK! (Seriously. I screamed when I got the email alert)

Can't wait to read more!

P.S. This chapter was very good :) I think you're going to do great with the rest of the story. Don't worry too much, and just let the story happen :)
8/24/2010 c2 7TakeAWhackAtIt
OMG there's more?

YAY! *happy dance*

Don't worry about feeling rusty, or anything of the sort- this chapter was fantastic. I eagerly await more. :D
8/24/2010 c2 1lttlbrat93
i have no idea wat u were thinking that u could make this a bad chap its a geat chap u looked in to tony well and inturging. i loved this chapter i cant wait for more

8/24/2010 c2 123Tigyr
Definitely well worth waiting for and will be again if you need to...good insight into everyone and their reactions...ten stars (Top rating)
8/24/2010 c2 66xenascully
lol so i read the chapter before going back up to read the authors note. so right now im lmao. but i'm so glad youve started this back up! i hope youve gotten back into the mood to do this story:) hey, if i waited this long, i can wait ...more? ill be honest; im gonna be impatient... but i wont give u any crap for it ;)

awesome chapter!
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