Just In
for The Right to Serve

10/4/2009 c1 Landvrouwke

Love to see how this wil continue.
10/4/2009 c1 Sarah1965
Fascinating start to the story - what a twist! I hope there will be more soon, I can't wait to see how this pans out.
10/4/2009 c1 53Precious Pup
Wow that a hell of a start! Poor Tim. To wake up and discover that..and then face he knows not what during the investigation. Excellent. hope they watch over him he going to be hurting.
10/3/2009 c1 Dragon
Pure genius. Perfect characterizations as usual. I've never been one for threesomes (or Gibbs/DiNozzo), but I'm stuck on your stories and I look forward to seeing how you'll make the pairings work. What I love about fanfiction...especially slash is the creativity of the how the author takes noncanon pairings and make it into a story while staying true to the character while having character development (sorry for the wordiness). I hope you take it slow like you did with How to Drive. Anticipation is delicious. :-)
9/27/2009 c1 Tig
This is interesting so far. Would love to see where you're going with it. Nice characterisations.
9/26/2009 c1 demonwings2421
So far, I like the direction of both your stories and can't wait for updates on both of them. It's nice to see some more unique stories.
9/26/2009 c1 8missflapjack
Whoa. Intense drama - right off the bat. I'm already loving this... (Way to go for Gibbs slamming worthless homophobe into a wall! FTW. :3)

My favorite line: “I don't care if this Marine was sleeping with a woman, a man, a farm animal or a piece of fruit. You will show him the respect he's earned or you will get the hell out of his home.”

Too. Damn. True. For. Words.

9/25/2009 c1 Jessiek1119
Wow. great start. I've just read through both of your stories and you have the voices down pat. I hope I don't have to wait long for more.
9/25/2009 c1 Kat
Oh wow. Stunning and heart wrenching. You write the characters so well, and your plots are so amazingly gripping. I really hope you continue this!
9/24/2009 c1 Fullmetal Embers
OMG! I so want more! But you have to finish the first story first! Maybe...I don't know, but this is awesome!
9/23/2009 c1 95smartkid37
I like it. Can't wait to read what Gibbs' reaction will be. Hopefully, more father/son; than pissed off boss.

great start.
9/22/2009 c1 thewhiteroom
wow this is wonderful, I really liked the part when Gibbs sees McGee, I did not see that coming. I can't wait to see what will happen next.
9/17/2009 c1 smilingT12
So now I am hooked! Wonderful start. I am hoping more will be on the way soon. Thanks.
9/14/2009 c1 Alpha Bravo Charlie
Whoa! I was totally not expecting that! Your writing is great, it really pulled me in to the story. And all the characters' personalities are captured really well. What an amazing chapter, I can't wait to read the next one.
9/11/2009 c1 munchkin
Holy $#!%!

“I don't care if this Marine was sleeping with a woman, a man, a farm animal or a piece of fruit. You will show him the respect he's earned or you will get the hell out of his home.”

At this point, I was bouncing in my chair going, 'WHOO-HOO, you go Gibbs!' This man understands the sacrifices that are made on a DAILY basis by our guys. To receive the Navy Cross means this man showed heroism far and beyond what that little prick even understands. Then Gibbs goes into the other room and sees ... MAGEE? Oh, this is really gonna be good. Can't wait to see you update this one!

Also got to give you a really HUGE pat on the back for your writing style. You draw the reader right into the story. Only the best writers seem to be able to do that! :D
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