Just In
for The Right to Serve

8/14/2011 c3 9tinkrbell225
love it so happy your back but who is the killer i can't waste for more
7/6/2011 c3 51Gottahavemyncis
Hey there, I'm sure you're busy with real life and all, but any chance you're going to continue with this story? I'd really like to know Tim's story with Nate and then there is the slash you've got on the summary, *coughs* just wondering. Thanks!
6/26/2011 c1 mjels
great start

love that gibbs kick that asshole ass

what will happen now
6/6/2011 c3 6The Queen of Confusion
Great story! Hope to see more soon!

6/1/2011 c3 Lidil
I do hope you continue with this story.

It has a really strong start and I would like to see more.

How to handle the relationship angle?

You've already laid the foundation. Now build.

This is *your* house.
6/1/2011 c1 Lidil
Ooo, boy.

Saw that coming.

Still shocking.
5/28/2011 c1 eveangel79
Just found this.

What an amazing start!
5/26/2011 c3 charlie74656
This is just, wow. What I'm loving about this is how very real this story and this situation feels. I love the way you've got everyone questioning themselves and their reactions and I like that Tony takes a while to get his head around how he needs to behave. And you're not leaping into the murder/mystery aspect but taking the time to look at people's immediate reactions.

Absolutely *love* Gibbs's reaction to the Det. in the apartment and also his realisation that McGee is more important as a person than just his place as a witness. That protective nature of Gibbs's is such a turn-on.

Abby's reaction - yup, I can so see that, because Abby does tend to let the world revolve around her and her reactions/feelings. So yes, chewing out Timmy but then realising it's not right, and Gibbs not having to say anything to back up Tony's intervention - yes, that's perfect.

And finally, or perhaps centrally, McGee, confounding the stereotypes and hiding his true self from the team because ... well, let's face it, Tim's not hidden the fact that he dealt with bullying at school and he'd naturally hide anything that might make life even harder than it is. Let the geek/nerdness hang out and be who you are and no one will go looking for what might be underneath. Just like Tony does with the frat boy persona.

So, um, more please? When you have time. :) Can't wait to see where this is going, because it sounds like you have a decent handle on the crime. And btw, also love that the guy who is a hero in combat can be a bit of a jerk in real life, but clearly is still decent enough to have earned Tim's trust and affections.
4/25/2011 c3 Lady SheWolf
So far, so good. I really like the idea your working with, especially since it's one I haven't seen before. I am curious though - Is there a pre-established relationship between Tony and Gibbs? I know it may be too early in the plot line to actually see the relationship if its the there, but is this going to be Tony and Gibbs already together and bringing Tim into the mix, or is it more the murder happens, then Gibbs and Tony make their connection, and then Tim is added into the relationship later on? Also, would it be too foreward of me to ask for a specification on the dynamics of the threesome relationship? I've read a few others before that were top!Tim and bottom!Tony, or top!Tony and bottom!Gibbs, and (no offense if one of those is your preference) I usually find those to be just... weird. They're just not my catnip, and I've found that trying to wrap my head around the...weirdness tends to distract me from the story. That's not to say anything bad about your or anyone else's writing - I'd just like to know before I get too deep into the story.

Fabulous work so far - Most intriguing and I look forward to further updates soon.

Lady Shewolf
4/25/2011 c3 5kentrek1
wow, what a great story so far. will tim tell them how he met nate and about the murders. how will gibbs, tony and ziva deal with this case without him? and will abbey realised that she needs to wait until tim has grive for nate to fet her answers.
4/23/2011 c3 Anon
This story has such great potential - I'd love to see it continued. Any chance of a regular update schedule?
4/12/2011 c3 66Sara Wolfe
I like where you're taking this story, so far. Can't wait to see more, no matter how long it takes you. (And, one year is nothing; I've got a story that five years due for an update.)
4/2/2011 c3 26Proseac
I found this story through Kew121's recs on LiveJournal. Although I don't normally read slash, this is a truly amazing story so far, and I'm looking forward to more!

You have captured the voices of the characters perfectly, and I love the way you're dealing with Tim's confusion, uncertainty and dismay. Tony's delayed reaction was excellent as well - I can visualize it all on screen with the actors playing it out. Glad we are seeing all the characters, and not just as peripheral cardboard cutouts to serve a PWP agenda, but as real people with opinions about the situation.

Update soon, please!
4/2/2011 c3 gsr4ever
Awesome fic! Can't wait to read more
4/2/2011 c3 enelya666

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