Just In
for The Right to Serve

3/30/2011 c3 50AnimeSiren
Thanks for updating! :)

You had Gibbs' personality and characterization nailed so well in this chapter, it was great!

I look forward to the next! (Though not as much as I look forward to PashaxBones :D )
3/30/2011 c3 starjems88
Lookin forward 2 readin the next chapter :)
3/30/2011 c3 2Blue-Eyed Chica
love it! well i dont because of the sadness on tims part, and im wondering how they're going to come together, cause might seme a little fast if tim was living with the guy and he was killed, but interested to see how itll work. and they definitely need to get together =D
3/30/2011 c3 2carkiechu
Amazing! It was so worth the wait! please don't make us wait that long again! :D
3/30/2011 c3 2Dreamer22
I am SO thrilled that you are continuing this story! I am also glad that Tim isn't just going to jump into something after losing Nate, and the fact that Gibbs and Tony aren't already together so they will all be working things out together. I greatly look forward to more!
3/30/2011 c3 37Emerald1
Yeah, you're back to writing this one. A great chapter and quite a twist in his talk with Abby. Now, it's time for Tony to suck it up and be a friend and it looks like that's what he's doing at the end of the chapter.

Looking forward to where you take this one. Obviously a better ending is coming than what the plagiarist tried to tack on. If I remember, it was an ex-boyfriend and they caught him within an hour with no evidence. Really very un-memorable, but she's now on the list of known plagiarists that we keep track of. It's kinda creepy for me - my slash profile is the only favorite on her list.
3/30/2011 c3 40Emeralden Rapley
i love it. ooohh poor McGee and what is he hiding oh i love it so far
3/30/2011 c3 3alix33
"Tony thought he knew Tim. He thought he had a good grip on his naïve, innocent, stammering little Probie. He thought Tim was practically incapable of lying." - Then, IMO, in however tragic a way it happened, I am hugely glad Tim disabused DiNozzo of that particular notion.

I am not sure why I am so very angry at Abby, but I am as angry at her as I got when I first saw how she treated Tim in season 7.
3/30/2011 c3 4MythplacedLogic
Yes! We have an update! And I was just re-reading this a few days ago and wishing for more, so it feels really lucky :) I'm glad Tony finally got his act together, and we're heading into the case which seems to be interesting. Little curious how they are going to manage to keep Tim out of it when he has the info. I get that Abby was hurt, but seriously bad timing on her part. I like Tony being protective.
3/30/2011 c3 Alisa123
FINALLY...i'm soooooooooo glad this is back...i can understand why tony might need some time to wrap his mind around, what he was learning about his partner...considering who they work with , it's understanding WHY tim wouldn't say anything...i DON'T believe, tony has a problem with gays and such...i think, he's just shocked at learning that tim swings in that direction.

gibbs needs to STOP and think, before he chews tony a good one...this was unexpected...and i'm sure, even gibbs was surprised.

abby needs to ruckin' GROW UP...not EVERYTHING is about her.

what i want to know: is how vance learned of the case so fast...WHY, he'd even talk to HR about tim's address?

really looking forward to more.

3/30/2011 c3 6siltrana
Glad to see an updadate and hope there is another one soon. I really hate plagiarst, they are lazy people who don't know how to write and have to steal other peoples work and need to called out when we see them.
3/30/2011 c3 95smartkid37
what's not to love about this?

I'm looking forward to how this plays out - especially with your a/n on the first chapter about it eventually being a threesome. - so looking forward to seeing how you get from this chapter to that point.

thank you again for not abandoning this amazing story.
3/30/2011 c3 46colorguard28
Yay! It's back! You have no idea how happy I was to see this pop into my inbox last night. I love your work - Have to Drive is the story that first got me seeing T2 as a pairing - and this is shaping up to be just as good.

I love how you wrote Tony's confusion here. Vance's support was a nice surprise. And your take on Abby as the exception to McGee's past was such a great twist on how people usually approach that issue. Stellar all the way around! I hope your muse cooperates so you can finish this.
3/30/2011 c3 66xenascully
oh em gee! Yay! I'm so glad you're continuing! :)
3/30/2011 c3 12Azniv
glad you're coming back

i hope to read more soon because all it's perfect. I love how you take time to develop all character's feelings. And i think it's very in character.

Hope to see more very soon

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