Just In
for Cliché

1/2/2021 c1 allen r
ok rachel is not a better person she was is and always will be the villian of glee! quinn was the good person not rachel
7/6/2018 c1 Guest
Omg! Please turn this into a multi chapter
4/25/2014 c1 61Insane Magician
This was intriguing, feels like an experiment, though there is one flaw so far for this to even be considered cannon: Russell Fabray would never allow his daughter to step inside the house of two men who were married

I don't think being Jew would have much to do had it been an "othodox" home, but I guess that would just add to it all

Either way, you could have explained what it was that the blonde had done, but it was nice
7/7/2013 c1 guest
any follow up on this story?
1/22/2013 c1 4garnmcgaughn
Interesting take and view point. Well written and layed out
6/16/2010 c1 2SpringSinger
I actually really, really enjoyed this! I was surprised :) It is unique, creative, well-written and well-delivered. Great job! I wish this was more than just a one-shot! :)
6/3/2010 c1 4razmataz13drums
aw i like this, it makes sense that there is something deeper going on between the two. i really want to find out what quinn did that was so terrible. poor rachel, it sucks just being 'the nice one.' anywayz update soon!
4/24/2010 c1 19ArtieAndTinaAbrams
I like this...
4/23/2010 c1 32BleedingFlames
i love it
3/3/2010 c1 ihgleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
y dont u keep writing? its col!
1/31/2010 c1 4HRZN
i thought it was good
1/29/2010 c1 writerwanabe
I like it. but people really dont need a reason to make someones life hell in high school.

10/20/2009 c1 86Standard-Ang3l
OMG, GLE! I only clicked your profile because you reviewed my new chapter, and then I saw the Glee fic! I 3 this fic because this totally happened to me.
10/15/2009 c1 13Grdnofevrythng
This wasn't crap. This was great and it's a believable twist to an old story. Thanks for sharing it with us. I hope you will write more Glee.
10/3/2009 c1 5cheeky-squirrel
I thought this was really interesting :-) Yes, it's cliche, but what isn't nowadays? Nothing is original anymore. You've written this really well :-) Well done!
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