Just In
for The Girl With The Rose

5/1/2012 c1 4Matthias Stormcrow
Love the one-shot. Very well written.
3/15/2011 c1 bellsbabeyxoxox3kiss
thats a REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY greAT poem ad i like the sttory
11/3/2010 c1 4Twilight Addict 3
I looping it! I love it! I love it! I LOVE it!
10/30/2010 c1 2PrincessOfMythaca
Omg this poem you wrote is phenomenal the best poem i ever read! You could publish it or something! absoultly amazing!
9/16/2009 c1 11MyImmortalMajor
Aww...this is so sweet! lovely fluffyness :D

9/13/2009 c1 ayanamifaerudo
Dear! You have to continue this!
9/13/2009 c1 2KataraWoo
Totally whips cinderelas bum! True Love! Go Edward & Bella in this story;] cool fanfic , short and sweet! Got on my favorites!
9/13/2009 c1 10Locketful o' Heartache
Dayum Amy! That was awesome! I mean seriously, it was really good =D

Keep on writing! (plz =D)


Ya Know Who ;D
9/13/2009 c1
I like it please continue!

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