12/30/2009 c3
18LoliPear the WaltzQueen
well if weird was what you wanted, you certaintly got it. This really wierded me out there. But for the most part I like the story!

well if weird was what you wanted, you certaintly got it. This really wierded me out there. But for the most part I like the story!
10/13/2009 c3
WHAT? Where's my implied Wybie?(ugh...I've conformed to spelling his name correctly.)You can't make him an actual character!
Anyway! Review time! (you know you love my reviews, don't pretend that you don't.)
So, let me get this straight: Wybie's dream life is where he's with Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Rhianna, Halle Berry, AND Coraline all at the same time? ...Wybie, Wybie, Wybie..Why?
Not to mention his attempt at being ghetto: "Whybie's Crib." And it's a total fail because his "Crib" is a dollhouse...that lacks REAL DOLLS, so he's just failing all around, not even having real inhabitants in his so-called "crib."
You know, I think you should go back to calling him Whybie. Because then it's like..."Why" are you so weird, Whybie?
And that's what I love to do with my family, by the way: watch documentaries about spiders. Yup, while we eat dinner. Amazing things, those spiders.
And yes, Wybie, to answer your question, it is weird for your first reaction being to hide so you can spy on whoever Coraline(Ops. Meant to say 'Caroline') is having over. It's stalkerish and downright rude.
How does he expect her to like him if he keeps acting so creepy? If he were to write a book on how to get the girl of your dreams in five steps, the steps would be:
1.Stalk her
2.Stalk her
3.Stalk her
4.Stalk her
5.Make a popsicle stick world where she joins your harem of celebrities.
“Whybie! You scared me…..you’re such a creeper! How do you always sneak up on people without them knowing?”-I take extreme offense to this, by the way XD
Well, that's my review...And it was all about Wybie/Whybie. And it's not as long as my other ones. How sad. I'll see you next chapter!
P.S. I love the semi-suspense you have going on.

WHAT? Where's my implied Wybie?(ugh...I've conformed to spelling his name correctly.)You can't make him an actual character!
Anyway! Review time! (you know you love my reviews, don't pretend that you don't.)
So, let me get this straight: Wybie's dream life is where he's with Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Rhianna, Halle Berry, AND Coraline all at the same time? ...Wybie, Wybie, Wybie..Why?
Not to mention his attempt at being ghetto: "Whybie's Crib." And it's a total fail because his "Crib" is a dollhouse...that lacks REAL DOLLS, so he's just failing all around, not even having real inhabitants in his so-called "crib."
You know, I think you should go back to calling him Whybie. Because then it's like..."Why" are you so weird, Whybie?
And that's what I love to do with my family, by the way: watch documentaries about spiders. Yup, while we eat dinner. Amazing things, those spiders.
And yes, Wybie, to answer your question, it is weird for your first reaction being to hide so you can spy on whoever Coraline(Ops. Meant to say 'Caroline') is having over. It's stalkerish and downright rude.
How does he expect her to like him if he keeps acting so creepy? If he were to write a book on how to get the girl of your dreams in five steps, the steps would be:
1.Stalk her
2.Stalk her
3.Stalk her
4.Stalk her
5.Make a popsicle stick world where she joins your harem of celebrities.
“Whybie! You scared me…..you’re such a creeper! How do you always sneak up on people without them knowing?”-I take extreme offense to this, by the way XD
Well, that's my review...And it was all about Wybie/Whybie. And it's not as long as my other ones. How sad. I'll see you next chapter!
P.S. I love the semi-suspense you have going on.
10/11/2009 c3
16A Writer With Mixed Interests
Very cool! Maybe you should make Wednesday and Pugsley think that's Wybie's (that's how his name's spelled) a total weirdo. Then you could make It and Thing come into the story.
Just a little idea. ;)

Very cool! Maybe you should make Wednesday and Pugsley think that's Wybie's (that's how his name's spelled) a total weirdo. Then you could make It and Thing come into the story.
Just a little idea. ;)
9/27/2009 c2
You know what time it is? That's right, review time!
Let's see, what to talk about first.
Let's talk about the references. I don't really know what "time-period" the book or the movie is set in, but I liked the references. They brought the setting to a more up-to-date time period, AKA TODAY. That might not have worked for other stories, but it worked here, don't worry.
Plus, any story that makes a Teen Titans reference is pretty awesome in my book^^ Slade is a creeper, with nothing better to do than destroy clothing (I'm serious. There's a trend. Look at Terra. And Raven. And he beat Robin to the point where his clothes ripped(I mean, technically Robin was hallucinating, but it was still Slade nonetheless.))
TOK references are pretty awesome too.
Hey...what's wrong with watching SVU religiously? Not that I do it, of course...*shifty eyes*
Loving the implied Whybie, by the way. He doesn't really exist. For all we know, he could be made up. Just like Coraline's name. Oh, sorry, did I say Coraline? I meant "Caroline." Because Coraline doesn't exist.
In fact, it's just like Shaalom. And Shaalomo(spelling?). You know what, there should be a girl named Coroline. I wonder what would happen to her. I wouldn't be surprised if Mrs. Purns decided that somehow that was close enough to Caroline.
Anyway, back to the review.
Your descriptions of the Addams family is right on track as far as I know. I never really got into them, but you should be alright. Your writing is as brilliant as ever.
Chocolate flavored brownies are the worst kind! I, personally like apirin flavored ones, but who cares?
I'm very interested in reading what the Addamses idea of 'entertainment' is. From what you've implied, it can't be anything good.
Also waiting for more Wednesday/Pugsley/Coraline interaction!
And when is Whybie going to become a real character? Or maybe you should just keep him implied, even when he's actually there. Oh, challenge. Take that!
Oh, and by the way: DJsapien is not a real name. DJ Sapien is, though and that is how I will refer to you from now on. That or Ms. Sapien.
I bid you farewell, Ms. Sapien, and wish you good luck on future chapters.

You know what time it is? That's right, review time!
Let's see, what to talk about first.
Let's talk about the references. I don't really know what "time-period" the book or the movie is set in, but I liked the references. They brought the setting to a more up-to-date time period, AKA TODAY. That might not have worked for other stories, but it worked here, don't worry.
Plus, any story that makes a Teen Titans reference is pretty awesome in my book^^ Slade is a creeper, with nothing better to do than destroy clothing (I'm serious. There's a trend. Look at Terra. And Raven. And he beat Robin to the point where his clothes ripped(I mean, technically Robin was hallucinating, but it was still Slade nonetheless.))
TOK references are pretty awesome too.
Hey...what's wrong with watching SVU religiously? Not that I do it, of course...*shifty eyes*
Loving the implied Whybie, by the way. He doesn't really exist. For all we know, he could be made up. Just like Coraline's name. Oh, sorry, did I say Coraline? I meant "Caroline." Because Coraline doesn't exist.
In fact, it's just like Shaalom. And Shaalomo(spelling?). You know what, there should be a girl named Coroline. I wonder what would happen to her. I wouldn't be surprised if Mrs. Purns decided that somehow that was close enough to Caroline.
Anyway, back to the review.
Your descriptions of the Addams family is right on track as far as I know. I never really got into them, but you should be alright. Your writing is as brilliant as ever.
Chocolate flavored brownies are the worst kind! I, personally like apirin flavored ones, but who cares?
I'm very interested in reading what the Addamses idea of 'entertainment' is. From what you've implied, it can't be anything good.
Also waiting for more Wednesday/Pugsley/Coraline interaction!
And when is Whybie going to become a real character? Or maybe you should just keep him implied, even when he's actually there. Oh, challenge. Take that!
Oh, and by the way: DJsapien is not a real name. DJ Sapien is, though and that is how I will refer to you from now on. That or Ms. Sapien.
I bid you farewell, Ms. Sapien, and wish you good luck on future chapters.
9/27/2009 c2
Oh yeah, THIS is getting good! Can't wait for more!
(Munches on a Mud Brownie)

Oh yeah, THIS is getting good! Can't wait for more!
(Munches on a Mud Brownie)
9/13/2009 c1
Alrighty, review time...
First of all...Whybie's hilarious! "Wow, we have the same schedule!" I can imagine him saying that. And being just geerally annoying. And knowing the age where...girls start sexual development...okay Whybie, what have you been reading? XD
1313 Cemetary Lane? Like, 1313 Dead End Drive perhaps? No, I'm just kidding.
Wait...her mom said that she baked cookies...why didn't she give them to Coraline the minute she walked in the door? What's up with that? If I were Coraline, I'd be mad!
Hey, since when does a bookcase have legs? Mine doesn't.
Anyway! Good story. A nice way to start out. I liked the way you introduced the pictures and her mother's estranged cousins, especially the contrasts between Mel and Mortricia. I'm very interested in Coraline's reaction when she meets the Addams Family! Keep it up!

Alrighty, review time...
First of all...Whybie's hilarious! "Wow, we have the same schedule!" I can imagine him saying that. And being just geerally annoying. And knowing the age where...girls start sexual development...okay Whybie, what have you been reading? XD
1313 Cemetary Lane? Like, 1313 Dead End Drive perhaps? No, I'm just kidding.
Wait...her mom said that she baked cookies...why didn't she give them to Coraline the minute she walked in the door? What's up with that? If I were Coraline, I'd be mad!
Hey, since when does a bookcase have legs? Mine doesn't.
Anyway! Good story. A nice way to start out. I liked the way you introduced the pictures and her mother's estranged cousins, especially the contrasts between Mel and Mortricia. I'm very interested in Coraline's reaction when she meets the Addams Family! Keep it up!