Just In
for Together: No Need to be Alone

3/18/2010 c8 2flower123
omg...oh and hell yes tanyas gone for at least now update soon
2/17/2010 c7 2jenie16788
hey, over the last couple of days i have read 3 of your stories, and have enjoyed them all. im a little worried though, because i saw that you havent updated this inm a while! are you planning to finish the story? i hope so! my only little picky thing is that you need to concentrate a little more on your grammer and such, but its not such a big deal as to make it hard to read or anything. hoesntly, you have alot of talent, and id love to hear from you about this story! thanks

2/14/2010 c7 7mehek18
i hope becuz of the M rating u dont have to take ur story down, plz dont, if u do, plz giv advance warning in the chapters
2/14/2010 c7 16TokioHotelluver93
I read the other two stories earlier today and they were amazing. As is this one, and I am eagerly awaiting the next update. :)
2/8/2010 c7 livelaughlisten2music
gr8 story! update soon plz!
2/7/2010 c7 2JUCIFICS
its been over a month since u have updated the fic is great please update soon im loving the fic all three of them are amazing xoxo
1/25/2010 c7 marini03
hahahahaha! OH SHIT! LOL! That was absolutely hilarious! I can just picture talking to someone and all of a sudden they start sparkling! I would be in major shock... lol :D You are a pretty amazing writer, especially for being so young. I must say that I'm quite impressed! Please, please, please, please, PLEASE update the story! :D I will be your absolute best friend forever & ever if you do and I REALLY want to know what happens!
1/24/2010 c7 Knock.You.Away
Ah how sweet, she is there to suport a friend, and then verry dry she says that she's sparkling xD...

I really really love your story,

Just keep on the good work.
1/21/2010 c7 slavin86162
Uh oh! Bella's sparkling!
1/17/2010 c7 Karma Rain Volturi
OMG that is the best storys i have ever read i cant wait for you to carry on with his story!

from becka
1/10/2010 c7 KTLovesPokemon
i love this story i cant wait for more chapters
1/9/2010 c7 KitKatWrites
i love this. i hope you can add more :)
1/8/2010 c7 3mz.edwardcullen95
gasp! update soon!
1/7/2010 c7 dadysgrl123456
omg i almost pissed my pants at the ending. totally didnt see it coming. haha
1/4/2010 c7 3twilight1alice
Please update soon i cant wait to read what happens to bella and her sparkleing
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