9/19/2009 c1 gabby
cant believe the sequel is up already! great title and nice chapter. cant wait to see what happens next
cant believe the sequel is up already! great title and nice chapter. cant wait to see what happens next
9/19/2009 c1
That was a great first chapter!
Can't wait to find out the sex of the baby...!

That was a great first chapter!
Can't wait to find out the sex of the baby...!
9/19/2009 c1 Kelly
o I love that you keep doing these please write more:)
o I love that you keep doing these please write more:)
9/18/2009 c1 ninachr
YAY!Awsome chapter!The baby is coming! ;D I really loved the fact that you got both alone and need into you're new title.. ;D Sneaky. ;P
YAY!Awsome chapter!The baby is coming! ;D I really loved the fact that you got both alone and need into you're new title.. ;D Sneaky. ;P
9/18/2009 c1
i really like it
but u should make it that like bella and edward raised the kids without the rest of the cullens

i really like it
but u should make it that like bella and edward raised the kids without the rest of the cullens