Just In
for Together: No Need to be Alone

9/19/2009 c1 4MarveyTibbsMcGarrettWilliams
i luv it! this is a fabulous story~
9/19/2009 c1 gabby
cant believe the sequel is up already! great title and nice chapter. cant wait to see what happens next
9/19/2009 c1 20DramaticField
I love it, like always, (:

write woman, write ! 3
9/19/2009 c1 1ebinky
That's a great title! And a great first chapter! :)
9/19/2009 c1 1Kolored
Incredible! Great start to the threquel. :]

Update soon,

Kolored. ^^
9/19/2009 c1 hanna-banana12345
great first chapter!

i cant wait for the next one
9/19/2009 c1 1twiradical
That was a great first chapter!

Can't wait to find out the sex of the baby...!
9/19/2009 c1 cheryl1972
I like this first chapter... I can't wait to see where this story goes...
9/19/2009 c1 Kelly
o I love that you keep doing these please write more:)
9/18/2009 c1 ninachr
YAY!Awsome chapter!The baby is coming! ;D I really loved the fact that you got both alone and need into you're new title.. ;D Sneaky. ;P
9/18/2009 c1 2kimbella
omg yey! youre a lot faster bringing out this faster :)
9/18/2009 c1 5DeformedGirl
i really like it

but u should make it that like bella and edward raised the kids without the rest of the cullens
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