Just In
for Together: No Need to be Alone

6/8/2011 c11 16ReadingRed
I'm glad it ended on a happy note :)
6/7/2011 c11 the captains wife
Wonderful story!
6/7/2011 c11 Twilightchick45
A very great ending to a great story.
6/7/2011 c11 11Danielle Pitter
this was soo amazing! great ending to a brilliant trilogy!
6/7/2011 c11 VampireandWerewolfLover22
That was awesome! Well done! Good luck in the future!
6/7/2011 c11 kelley
white more plsesa because i like read about sufft you white
6/7/2011 c11 FFpassion
can you please update As you Wish, please ?
6/7/2011 c11 2flower123
awww such a sweet ending
6/7/2011 c11 2babybaby15
Another great chapter I loved it
4/27/2011 c10 12Debbie White
wow that wasc good to great job. Thanks for writing! :)
4/27/2011 c10 4UnstopableArcricVamp
ok so i read all three parts in a day and i loved it! please please please update asap! were practicaly all on our knees beggin you! lol please update soon!
3/9/2011 c10 Melissa
Plz update as you wish
2/16/2011 c10 1teamvampireswitches2412
i loved it and i can't wait for the next chapter plzz update soon
1/11/2011 c2 Alina Bee
Ugh!A boy! Again what do you have against renesmee?
12/17/2010 c10 the captains wife
Excellent chapter! Glad Tanya will not be causing any more problems!
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