Just In
for Sonny With a Chance of Canada, eh! ON HIATUS!

7/13/2011 c4 2channy-mega-fan
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww please pretty please can you update soon?

This story is amazing I can't wait to read more!
7/13/2011 c3 channy-mega-fan
hey pretty cool chapter
7/13/2011 c2 channy-mega-fan
hahaha funny I thought that they will get stuck in the bathroom :))
7/13/2011 c1 channy-mega-fan
this is cool I can't wait to read!
4/17/2010 c4 Mary
Hii! i loved it. it was soo sweet! what happens when they wake up? oh! what if chad wakes up and he moves and then he just watches sonny sleep untill she wakes up...or like he smells her hair or something...:/ not sure but still its really great!

4/17/2010 c4 Lovely SOS
Awwh, I loved this chapter, it was adorable! I'm clueless: whats hiatus? Does that mean you like, won't update forever or something? Cuz, I want you to update! I can't wait for it to be the next morning! :D Love it!

1/17/2010 c4 2That was such an epic fail
i think that wen chad wakes up sonny should still be asleep and wen she wakes up she says that she went to the go to the bathroom but bumped into is bed and he put his arm aound her and she didnt want to wake u up... :D love this storry keep it goin
1/4/2010 c4 15myjumpingsocks
wel that was funny! I liked the end of course, and the whole getting mobbed by angry fans thing.Your switching of POV's doesn't always make sense, especially right b4 u tell us that you're changing POV's! LOL. I think they should go curling, or play some hockey
12/30/2009 c4 I'mComplicatedButSimple
Aww cute! Please update sooi=n!
12/30/2009 c4 13Mrs Shades
omigosh that was so good, keep going
12/30/2009 c4 2kari040
I can't believe she just falls asleep! Omg I wonder what'll happen when chad wakes up! Can't wait to read what comes next, seriouslly I can't wait!
12/29/2009 c4 1accidentalartistry
that was awesome :) i love the way you describe the canadians, and yeah, canadian fans get so obsessed because the americans have all the celebrities, so canadians freak when they see them, but you should make chad and sonny become friends with a canadian, and then they'll see that canadians can be nice, and not be so sterotypical about them. but this chapter was great, and i'll be annoyed if no one posts the season two episodes on youtube, because we canadians never get them fast enough! oh, well, update soon!
12/29/2009 c4 3Without.Your.Love
OMC, please update soon! xD
12/29/2009 c4 2skyewardd
I like this chapter. : )
12/29/2009 c3 skyewardd
Nice chapter.

BTW, it's "magazine," not "megazene."

Oh, and Santiago's last name is Heraldo.
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