Just In
for Unshed tears

12/6/2009 c1 JuJukins
*is now seriously depressed*

I mean that in the best way possible, as in, it really conveyed the mood well.

*runs off to hug Zero*
11/4/2009 c1 11Zamirax
All I can say is Wow! this is your first fanfic... It's really good. I always liked Zero & Yuki... and this realy fits...

Good story. Please right more... I loves it, even if it's sad :( poor Zero. Good Job!

9/26/2009 c1 4Tiffany Blue Sneaks
AW! I never thought that Zero would cry for her! ;_;

DUDE! You should write more stories! I guess all that fanfic reading inspired you, huh? LOL! XD

Antyways...REALLY GOOD ONE SHOT! Please write another story!

I can imagine your writing so good in my head rite now! XD

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