Just In
for Shadow and Light, Book 1: A Spark of Light

10/24/2015 c11 Foreman88
Never thought I'd see a story where Harry is even more useless than he is in canon. You said when Harry was sorted that people were worrying about a mary sue, but I think you took it a bit to the other extreme.
4/14/2015 c16 6The Age of Awesomeness
Please update!
4/29/2013 c16 1kelwin
very good fic. can't wait to read more.
4/29/2013 c9 kelwin
I agree there is so many chars I would have liked to know more about in is all these witches and wizards that we know nothing about. even many of the places we only know a very little about. that is one reason I like reading fanfics as each person gives there own view.
4/28/2013 c3 kelwin
I think the point about this chapter that puts people off is the last we had the one ring and stuff. we were expecting him to be transported to middle earth or something. at the moment it is late and so I don't really care it is readable and that is all I care about at the moment.
12/20/2012 c5 TangoTwo
so far Im liking where its going. hope you continue to work on this story..
thanks for sharing
11/25/2012 c3 KKK3
Ohhhhhhhhhh! I like this! I take it that Harry isn't a horcrux as he isn't a parselmouth here? And I feel like birds are going to be important, as Voldemort was attacked by birds (Hedwig?) and now Harry wanted to see some paradise birds? And I'm really looking forward to figuring out what's up with the animals.. keep up the good work!
12/11/2011 c3 5Matthieu
I love this chapter! I don't know why people would wish to stop reading. I'm just finally glad that there is a Harry that isn't some sort of snake master with a pet king cobra. (How anybody could even write something like that is beyond me. (shiver) I despise snakes. 0.o )
11/28/2011 c1 DawnScarlet19610
You should edit your story settings and put it into HP/LotR Crossover section. You'd get more readers that way.
9/4/2011 c16 Dana J Sparks
I rarely leave reviews, but this story definitely deserves more than it currently has. I hope you'll be able to continue it at some point.
3/2/2011 c16 1ClaMiAl
Oh, wow, what a brilliant story! I'm rather surprised at myself here, because this story is rather slower and less thrill-inducing than those I would usually say that about, but I still find myself loving it. It was slow, but not in a bad way. It was deep, and thorough, and I have the feeling that everything in it so far has a point, a purpose.

I must admit I was a bit suspicious about Harry being a Hufflepuff, though I have to admit that that is really the only house he fit in, judging by what I knew abut him and the impression I had of him when I got to his sorting. So it made sense, and fit with the story, no question, but I was still afraid that, well, that he'd turn into this useless person that Hufflepuffs are unfortunately so often thought to be. But oh did I have ti wrong. Non only did you manage to paint Hufflepuffs in a completely different light, but Harry as well. And while there were some differences in his early life (e.g., he had his own room at the Dursley's, the attack on him when he was a baby happened differently, etc) somehow it seemed like the Harry you describe is a much more realistic outcome of the childhood he and canon-Harry had.

So I actually really liked his timidness, how he was seeing Hogwarts through proverbial spectacles that had been coloured by his previous experiences and life. I think that you did a good job of describing him and his point of view, and how he slowly changed and 'came out of his shell' throughout his first year.

And I'm also very happy that you didn't have him end up being friends with Ron and Hermione OR Draco, which so often happens in supposedly AU fics, which then just end up retelling the books with little to no changes. This Harry is different and he is bound to behave differently, so it only makes sense that he ends up becoming friends with different people and actually thinks of people we know from the books rather differently.

And then there are the kids that he did actually become friends with. Once again, I was pleasantly surprised that you chose to make use of some of the unused characters from canon, fleshing them out more and making them more important. Though, I must admit I still don't have quite that much of a grasp on Hannah's and Susan's and Megan's personalities. All I can say about Hannah is that she has cramps and gets grumpy, Susan is mostly a faceless entity in my mind, an Megan seems like Slytherin in Hufflepuff robes to me, in the way that Hermione is a Ravenclaw in Gryffindor robes. I still don't *get* either of these three, and I have even less of a mental picture and impression of Harry's male dorm mates. But I'm sure that problem will be solved in future chapters.

Now, onto the changes. I *love* what you have to done to the plot. It still follows the broad strokes of Harry's first year in canon, but that's it really, only the broad strokes. The details are all different, the characters, their goals and thoughts and how they are tied into the plot is different, and in the end the whole story is different. That makes it wonderfully new and unpredictable. I love it!

Not the least of these changes are changes in Harry himself. He was born one day later. Huh. Interesting! The attack on him and his parents happened differently and, judging by Voldemort's thoughts for a slightly different reason. Even more interesting. Harry, while still surviving the killing curse, didn't end up with a scar/as a horcrux (I think), and somehow the Ring from Lord of the Rings was involved. Fascinating! Harry didn't end up being famous but for some reason his mom did. I'm still not sure why, since as far as I can see she didn't do anything special, and I don't know what the rest of the wizarding world think she did do. Aparently, she defeated Voldemort, according to them anyways, but they came to that conclusion and how they think she did it is still a mystery. One I'm looking forward to see resolved. But moving on. Harry did not become the Boy-Who-Lived, but he's still not exactly normal. And he has a different wand, and a wand that is also rather special. These are the biggest mysteries so far, I think. What exactly is Harry, what is his deal? Is he really some kind of male veela? But neither of his parents were veela, so that can't be right. So, considering that this is some sort of LotR crossover, is he descendant from elves? After all, if you go by descriptions of veelas, they are these incredibly beautiful creatures, and so are elves. And Harry was rather resilient to the Cricio as a toddler, and he has very good eye sight, and he did speak a different language when he encountered Quirrel/Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, and his blood was a different colour...

And then of course, there are his divination abilities, or whatever it is he can do. I'm rather clueless about how that is connected to everything. And last but not least, there's this sphere thing with the cracks in it that Madam Pomfrey discovered. What is that? It seems to be getting more and more cracks as Harry is...hmm...changing? Discovering his, er, gifts? Let me just say that I am very curious to see what happens once that sphere really cracks/breaks. I can't wait to find out what Harry's deal really is.

Oh, but then there's the whole LotR crossover/connection. The story isn't archived as a crossover, and so far the only LotR type thing that happened in this fic was the Ring that Voldemort wore. But I think I remember reading a disclamer or A/Ns or something in an early chapter that mentioned actual characters or dialogue or something being taken from both the Harry Potter books *and* the LotR books. So. That makes me think that more LotR type stuff will be happening in the future. I am incredibly curious to see how that happens, how you connect Harry Potter, his world, and what you've written so far to Middle Earth and everything that took place there. So far, though, it looks very promising.

And that's really mt impression of this fic so far. I feel like this is only just the beginning of an incredible, long, detailed, thorough and deep story, and we've only just scratched the surface. It feels like there is *so* much more to be discovered, so much more subtext that is only hinted at or that I didn't even notice but that will come back later an make me wonder how I could have missed that before.

I have noticed that it's been a few months since you've updated, and I truly hope that you haven't given up on this, because I would love to see how this story continues, how Harry and his friends get past this whole Stone Incident/Gryffindor Rescue Mission, how Harry gets over the the summer, and what he and his friends will get up to in the following years. And of course, the whole LotR connection. And what's up/different with Harry. And...all those other things that I've just got a little taste of and that have only made me want for more.

So, in the end, I must say this is a brilliant and very well written and plotted out story that is very high up amongst my all time favourites. Thank you so much for putting in all the work and putting it out there where people like me can read and enjoy it!
11/7/2010 c16 Kethatril
Interesting story, I almost didn't read it as the summery doesn't give a good idea of what its about, but I'm glad I did.

I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter.
10/30/2010 c16 Laugherboy
10/24/2010 c16 Guest
All the characters in this chapter acted like annoying morons. That pisses off the reader and might explain your low count of readers. Try to make character act more believable than make them act so they frustrate the people who try to enjoy the story.
10/14/2010 c1 Guest
Crazy first chapter. I got hooked right away, so far so good. Excellent job. Bravo!
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