Just In
for Death of Today

10/18/2009 c5 4Icylone
Interesting. This is the first Hp/Lv fic Im reading, and its really good. =)
10/18/2009 c5 2Brackets
Is it James Potter? Just kidding.

Thanks for the chapter.
10/18/2009 c5 spoonring
man, i got NERVOUS reading the lunch part...

... what is going on with lily?...what happened to her!

izar doesnt have the scar so hes not connected to lv that way... hm...

lily had to have give izar up and it has something to do with "the Veil"...

will izar get a family when he finds out who his parents are?

i read your profile.

for a long time the only hp ffics i read were hp/lv... then i expanded it to hp/tr... lol, and it has to have slash too... and well, theres not a whole lot of that genre!

i like reading dark fics, but ya know give me some light to. grey. and so i like that your profile says " a bit dark, but knowing my own ideals, it'll turn out light."

so ya got me. im really enjoying the story. its coming along great.
10/18/2009 c5 4Passing-Glance
Angular features, black hair, green eyes, handsome, strong magically, and devilish, I'd have to say his mother is Lily and his father is Riddle, although I'm not sure. Wouldn't he see the connection? It's not James, it can't be. But it could be Sirius, though I doubt she would give up his child even if such a thing did happen. You have be utterly stumped. Who is it? I can't wait to know. Please update soon.
10/18/2009 c5 felly16
Great story !

I love the interaction between Izar and Tom ! It's one of my favorite fanfic. It's quite original, the fact that Tom is a politician/dark lord and Izar work for the Unspeakable.

I'm quite curious concerning Izar's gift. What can it be...Louis on a silver plater ?

"He had his own suspicions about his parents, and those suspicions did not settle well with Izar. Not after he tried to track them down in his third year. Not after that potion…. Not….." If Izar suspect who is parents are, why is so...nice...with Lily ?

How can Tom possibly know what kind of food Izar likes? Did he interrogate Louis ?

Concerning Izar's father,I have no idea...It can't be James, otherwise they would have kept him. I think Lily had an affair with someone but I don't know who...
10/18/2009 c1 Snickersbar
I bet Sirius is the Daddy! ! ! Izar has black hair (like Sirius), Gray eyes {partly} (like Sirius), and is from your pov strikenly hot (just like Sirius!)
10/18/2009 c5 Shining Sunny
I see you change the title. In my mind it's still Chaotic Serenity so it will take some time to get use to it. As for Izar's fater... Let see... dark hair... dark grey with emerald eyes... My best guess is Severus. Hope I'm right!
10/18/2009 c5 LovelyLittleAngel
that was an interesting chapter..

keep writing and don't forget to update!
10/18/2009 c5 3Madd Girl
Ugh I'm so slow with guessing these things. Lily must know this is her kid. She hides it pretty well. Once again this chapter made my muscles tense up. WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME? Doesn't mean I didn't like this chapter though!
10/18/2009 c5 2Alianna15
Wow! really good story!
10/18/2009 c5 6Bizarre Dreamscapes
A very enjoyable chapter! Please update soon!
10/18/2009 c5 HarryPotterObsessed44
this is a very good story you have written i can't wait for the other chapters to be posted. please update as soon as you can

thank you
10/18/2009 c5 OfTheGreenwood
Thanks for the update-I hope we find out more in the next chapter about this "potion" in third year!

Was Rookwood attempting to look out for Izar in some small way, or just mocking him?
10/18/2009 c5 14itachisgurl93
hm...i wonder wat the gift was...thx 4 the update!
10/18/2009 c5 6Zayde
I'm not going to trie to guess who Izar father is, because I know you'll surprise me anyway.

By the way, I love how you draw Tom. He really looks like a politician! I mean the way he talks, acts... It has the typical seductiveness (I'm not sure that word really exists, but it fits)of one, but then he just turns more... more... malicious, and that politicain turns in the Dark Lord.

It's awesome.

And Izar/Tom interactions? I can't wait for next chapter.

Any clue about what the presente will be?

Great chapter, I hope to know about you soon.
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