Just In
for Death of Today

9/29/2009 c2 7emonaru
I'm not much of a reviewer but I just have to say: I LOVE THIS STORY! 3

I can't wait to see what happens next!

Oh, I bet you're going to get into different fandoms later on, I know I did, especially with all those awesome fanfic writers out there!
9/29/2009 c2 karasu
oh sweet mercy...the mere potential of this story...oh please do update asap!
9/29/2009 c2 3Adriana Black
wow... i read this and i was like: wow... this is REALLY good! keep up the good work and update soon!
9/29/2009 c2 Tommy14
I like your take on Riddle getting into the Ministry while gathering his Death Eaters on the side. Intelligent way to take over. Since the name Izar is also a star, is his father Sirius or Regulus? I wonder what happened to the Potters? I enjoy Izar's character, magical abilities and intelligence. I can't wait to see what happens next.
9/29/2009 c2 2amdlara
Me apaixonei pela sua fic. Não demore muito para atualizar, quero saber mais sobre o Vold e o Izar.

9/29/2009 c2 20Chakahlah
Amazing story so far. I can't wait to see what happens next!
9/29/2009 c2 2perfectly weird
ah i like it so far...the dark mystery behind Izar's parentage and power is very well-thought out so far so good and can't wait to read more!
9/28/2009 c2 Barranca
I'm very curious about Harry's last name Izar, and Lily's reasons to leave him in an orphanage. Was there a prophesy that included him? Why was he accepted to Hogwarts a year later than he should have been? What caused Voldemort to choose working in the Ministry (as was also expected to do in canon books) over openly becoming a Dark Lord? You can see I have a lot of questions and I hope you can provide us with the answers :)

Harry's already caught Voldemort's eye so no matter what he decides, his life will be interesting.
9/28/2009 c2 8Absolve
Oh YES! There is a severe lack of brilliant Voldemort/Harry stories, and this story already has the shapings of being one. My heart feels all aflutter with anticipation.

Have a good one,

9/28/2009 c2 18Carumati
Pretty OOC, really AU, but what the heck? I like it! Hope you update quickly.
9/28/2009 c2 7Cursa
^^ i like this so far, though a bit more info about what is happening outside of Hogwarts would be nice. Hopefully you will be able to shed some light on the subject when Voldemort asks Izar to induct him into the Death Eater ranks? There are a ton of other questions unanswered as well, which makes me want to keep reading ^^ update soon!
9/28/2009 c2 11henriette
nice! grey eyes and it sirius' baby bro?

anyway, i understand that this is AU, but what happened to the potters, and why is he younger?
9/28/2009 c2 Barkers3
Awesome. Awe-some. This is looking like a mighty fine story right here. I am a LIKING.

I have no idea why I am typing like this.

Great story, can't wait to see more of it and you :D Keep it up!
9/28/2009 c1 4LemonyCrosby
Now I know it is your story and all...

But the fact is the way you characterized him the entire driving force behind his character is ambition (to be the best ever) So... Ravenclaw wouldn't really be realistic. Unless you were going for the shock factor.
9/28/2009 c2 OlivineWK
I really like what you've written so far. It's well written, the characterization is good, and it's has an interesting plot. It's also nice to see that you're actually making Izar stick to relying on no one but himself. I've seen too making fics where Harry does a 180 practically. Riddle's double life is also interesting, and a sneaky way to gain more support.
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