9/28/2009 c2 Angella Selene Etoile
is great! it soo unexpected the things that are going to happen that intrigues you more and cadtivate your attentionn so your fic is really really nice and great and fantastict! soo congrats! i cant wait for other chapter!
is great! it soo unexpected the things that are going to happen that intrigues you more and cadtivate your attentionn so your fic is really really nice and great and fantastict! soo congrats! i cant wait for other chapter!
9/28/2009 c2 deactivated.ameths
Bloody Brilliant once again. Ironically the word epic applies to this story. The characterization of Izar is great. I like how you give Voldemort a job in the ministry unique and well-thought other people tend to just make him insane and snakey but you made him hot and intelligent. Yummy!
Bloody Brilliant once again. Ironically the word epic applies to this story. The characterization of Izar is great. I like how you give Voldemort a job in the ministry unique and well-thought other people tend to just make him insane and snakey but you made him hot and intelligent. Yummy!
9/28/2009 c2
another great chapter. I really like Tom Riddle, hes evil in a cool way, and not many HP/LV storys bring politics into the mix so thats interesting. Looking forward to more.

another great chapter. I really like Tom Riddle, hes evil in a cool way, and not many HP/LV storys bring politics into the mix so thats interesting. Looking forward to more.
9/28/2009 c2 NELLY
9/28/2009 c2 MEGBLUE
whoa! oh my god. this is HOT!
whoa! oh my god. this is HOT!
9/28/2009 c2
6Bizarre Dreamscapes
Good chapter! I like the way you protray Izar and also Lucius Malfoy. I'm excited to see what role the Unspeakables will play. Please update soon!

Good chapter! I like the way you protray Izar and also Lucius Malfoy. I'm excited to see what role the Unspeakables will play. Please update soon!
9/28/2009 c1
3snake pride
Izer? Salazar Slytherin perhaps? not that i'm guessing he's Izar's father, but i'm guessing there is a connection. ? :P
i really enjoyed this first chapter :) and i hope you continue this story past chapter 2 :)

Izer? Salazar Slytherin perhaps? not that i'm guessing he's Izar's father, but i'm guessing there is a connection. ? :P
i really enjoyed this first chapter :) and i hope you continue this story past chapter 2 :)
9/27/2009 c2
24Fancy Piece of Work
*favourites* *alerts*
I'm LOVING this story so far! Will there be any pairings? (and sorry if you already answered that, I didnt read any a/n's) haha, so I'm voting for either Daphne or Tom if there are pairings!
And basically I'm just dying to see what happens next, so keep going! xx

*favourites* *alerts*
I'm LOVING this story so far! Will there be any pairings? (and sorry if you already answered that, I didnt read any a/n's) haha, so I'm voting for either Daphne or Tom if there are pairings!
And basically I'm just dying to see what happens next, so keep going! xx