Just In
for Death of Today

9/27/2009 c2 Imsosleepy55555
Hm, so exciting and intriguing! Love it xD. Awesome writing style, and wonderful characters! I was drawn in right away! Keep up the amazing writing xD. Can't wait to read more!
9/27/2009 c2 1Zhu Yingtai
I'm very intrigued by the beginning of your story. I don't always care for extreme AU fics, but I do like this one, and I'm excited to see what you do with it.

Great beginning, keep it up!
9/27/2009 c2 37WynterRavenheart
I liked it! Though I'd really like to see Lucius' reaction to everything Draco said about Izar.
9/27/2009 c2 1Storm.Gazer
Good chapter.
9/27/2009 c2 1dragonzice
wow! This sure is interesting. Izar's intense dislike of muggles and muggleborns is... odd, but I suppose it makes sense. Is Izar a natural occlemencer or something?
9/27/2009 c2 1The Green Eye
Amazing chapter as usual.
9/27/2009 c2 Brit
nice, update soon?
9/27/2009 c1 CynthiaJules
Oh yes, Izar should definitely kick Draco's behind in everything-quidditch, school marks, and magical power. Why did Izar start school a year later than Draco & co? Is Izar the same age or younger?
9/27/2009 c1 8SassyMuse
Oh you have to continue this, it's brilliant. Love Izar's bitterness, passive aggressive attitude and determination. Really excellent start can't wait for more!
9/27/2009 c1 1Storm.Gazer
It was very good. Is Draco going to be like that all through the story? Hope you update soon!
9/26/2009 c1 2jumping-jo
good continue please looking forward to more
9/26/2009 c1 4undercovergiraffe
Wow. That was REALLY good. I love your writing style, and the plot so far is brilliant. If you don't write more I might just explode. Keep up the good work!
9/26/2009 c1 14itachisgurl93
oh! sweet! u hav 2 update soon!
9/26/2009 c1 lifedotcalm
definately continue!

love the way you have made Harry's (Izar)


very mysterious and very angsty from Izar

can't wait to see the way you play out

your story!

his moodiness is very enticing

especially for his age

very interesting the way you will

make him an Unspeakable and into

the Death Eaters position!

i had a question on the pairing:

Izar will be with Voldermort?

(since in the beginning you said he won't

be in the story; unless i read wrong)

till nex time,

9/26/2009 c1 deactivated.ameths
You got me. This story is bloody brilliant I am in love.
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