Just In
for Guess Who's Coming to Guest Star Modified

6/10/2010 c1 permanentlyinactive9318
This one shot was SO ADORABLE! I wish you were one of the Disney writers so that you could change the ending on TV! :D Oh I have never heard of "The Latest Buzz", sorry. Anyhoo, great job! :)
5/28/2010 c2 luvliness
great story!

i'm very sorry to hear that its been stolen..

a lot of stories are getting stolen these days...
5/27/2010 c1 18klaine-is-endgame1
lol i wish this would have happened
5/27/2010 c2 useofnot
Hey there. ;) Ummmm... I just wanna say that this story stealing is fuckin' ridiculous. ;(

I hate her. She jacked one of my FF friends stories... I am pissed.

So... I haven't read YOUR one-shot... I just wanted to let you that I posted a story on how WE TOGETHER can report her. Please read and review it. You're a victim, so you've got a voice. ;o

5/27/2010 c2 Chloeand McKenzie
I really enjoyed this episode on the show, so it was nice to see a different alternative ending. I've read on several fanfiction stories that people are stealing them. I'll be on the lookout for copied stories and will report them. It makes the board less fun when people are trying to pass off stories as their own.
5/27/2010 c1 OneCrazyKickAssNinjaChick
This story is SO awesome :D

P.S. I reported smilesareawesome, it's soo disrespectful what she's doing to you and other, brilliant, authors, like you :D
5/27/2010 c1 Styles.Everlark
Haha this is definatly how the episode should have ended! :D
12/20/2009 c1 27PeterPandaBear
11/24/2009 c1 22SonnyChadFan
Amazing one shot. Loved it=D
10/14/2009 c1 Cookie breath
SO much better than the ACTUAL episode!

9/28/2009 c1 7Agrata
That's how it should have happened! Great job!
9/28/2009 c1 21inugomegirl
YES! i've been thinking that since i watched the spanish version on youtube, The pig Flew she should have kissed him!
9/27/2009 c1 mwahahahaha
i love this fanfic!

i also love the latest buzz... why are you going to write a fanfic 4 it? plz do!
9/27/2009 c1 1InternationaLove
Oh I know! I saw it too, and Disney is such a tease right? It's so obvious that Chad already realizes he loves her before she does. She still mostly in denial. I wish that was the ending we would get, nice job :)
9/27/2009 c1 1girlwithagutair8
Great Story i mean why couldnt this have happened
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