2/3/2022 c10 Guest
Pretty Please update this story very soon
Pretty Please update this story very soon
4/28/2013 c10 Zenni
Please update soon.
Please update soon.
1/24/2013 c1
I absolutely love this story I'm at chapter 4 so far and I love it! (and my name is Esmee which is what kinda makes it cool cuz I feel like i'm reading about myself) Thanks for writing it!

I absolutely love this story I'm at chapter 4 so far and I love it! (and my name is Esmee which is what kinda makes it cool cuz I feel like i'm reading about myself) Thanks for writing it!
1/13/2010 c10
I wish you luck in your revising, but I'd love to see more soon. :)
Keep writing!

I wish you luck in your revising, but I'd love to see more soon. :)
Keep writing!
10/7/2009 c1 Cheekbonesandcoatcollar
awesome so far thughim toor tired to read more as its like 1 in the morning here but i shall read the rest tomorrow =] very good so far xx
awesome so far thughim toor tired to read more as its like 1 in the morning here but i shall read the rest tomorrow =] very good so far xx
10/3/2009 c10
I don't see why you need to elaborate... Everything seems fine and dandy to me... but hey, you're the author... your desision, your choice... But I belive it will all work out in the end! =)

I don't see why you need to elaborate... Everything seems fine and dandy to me... but hey, you're the author... your desision, your choice... But I belive it will all work out in the end! =)
10/2/2009 c10
6arr ayy
aw, i'm sad you're breaking, but i get it :)
can't wait to see the new, improved stuff.
i don't want to kill you :p

aw, i'm sad you're breaking, but i get it :)
can't wait to see the new, improved stuff.
i don't want to kill you :p
10/2/2009 c10
4Wing Omega
Wing Omega begins digging through his magical arsenal of every weapon and vehicle wielded, piloted or commanded by and character he has ever thought of creating searching for something to hit Changer with.

Wing Omega begins digging through his magical arsenal of every weapon and vehicle wielded, piloted or commanded by and character he has ever thought of creating searching for something to hit Changer with.
10/1/2009 c9
6arr ayy
haha, your a/n at the end was cute. i have the same problem.
great update though! and i like the title :)
tres cute. -RA.

haha, your a/n at the end was cute. i have the same problem.
great update though! and i like the title :)
tres cute. -RA.
10/1/2009 c8 arr ayy
you're like me, posting two chapters in one day, ha.
your story is coming along amazingly, love it!
and i'm jealous you got a flamer :p
i want one! haha.
you're like me, posting two chapters in one day, ha.
your story is coming along amazingly, love it!
and i'm jealous you got a flamer :p
i want one! haha.
10/1/2009 c7 arr ayy
dude, i love this girl. she's kinda crazy, but i kinda like it, haha.
i'm totally drawing a blank on a title for you as well!
but then again, my mind is elsewhere today, ha.
can't wait for the next update :)
dude, i love this girl. she's kinda crazy, but i kinda like it, haha.
i'm totally drawing a blank on a title for you as well!
but then again, my mind is elsewhere today, ha.
can't wait for the next update :)
10/1/2009 c6 ra
m, m, m. love the update. the ending was superb!
and i'm writing on a macbook too! haha.
i was wondering about that.
m, m, m. love the update. the ending was superb!
and i'm writing on a macbook too! haha.
i was wondering about that.