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for Cutter Gap Chronicle

1/20/2018 c2 Guest
It's a great story. Since it's fan fiction, it doesn't bother me if it's historically accurate or not.
10/4/2013 c2 3Crazy Tolkienite
Very cute! I knew it was David that had asked Ruby Mae about his job! It took a bit of thinking thought! its a very cute story considering I dont really like Neil/Christy!
1/30/2013 c1 Lisa Cooper
I enjoyed Cutter Gap Chronicle very much. I loved how you ended it with Dr. McNeill eating dinner with Christy, and how they admitted their feelings for each other. Being trained as a teacher I agree with you about Christy being excited and curious about what her students had done for the newspaper. Although, I think she would have been compelled to edit the paper as the responsible adult/teacher. It would have made our story longer though. Thank you for your entertaining story! L. Fassmann
2/1/2012 c1 9abfirechick
What a wonderfully original idea! I loved it!
10/1/2009 c1 1bgm76
I love it! So cute! I love Ruby Mae's advice. It's spot on!
9/30/2009 c1 13BlossomOfEdelweiss
Such a cute story. I really loved reading it. It's refreshing to read something light and fun.
9/30/2009 c1 3LWallace
I am impressed by how much you write, grayskies!Bravo!

This was absolutely charming! I laughed so hard while I was reading all the letters and answers in the Chronicle. Neil's and Christy's letters were absolutely hilarious . . . it is a real gift to be able to write humourously.

I also loved that it was a one shot, and I appreciated your historical accuracy disclaimer. :)

Good work! This story's going in my favorites!
9/29/2009 c1 Gossamer of the Village
I think this story and the version of it, is very whimsical. I absolutely loved it. I have not giggled or sighed like that in quite some time, all at one time. I hope you continue you on with this story and especially the others. Great job!

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