Just In
for Aquamarine

9/16/2014 c5 Cutiepie120048
Yep, this is good. I love it

You brung Trisha in -le gasp- die today make WINRY the real mother, or will we never know?
8/25/2014 c5 f.tastarossa
Im so curious about lil'ED. By the way, this fic is so lovely XD
12/15/2013 c5 2RezzKat
Aww! The fluff is so thick that it's suffocating!

Sorry I didn't review the other chapters, but I've been reading ever since I awoke up at 9 this morning and I'm getting tired of reviewing EVERY chapter I read XD So I'm sticking to the last chapter now.
I'm sure you're not updating this anymore, but it's a pretty good story so far :)

If you ever do decide to update, I'll attempt to be the first person to review... I probably just jinxed it now ;)

Good job with the writing, Edward sounds like the cutest kid ever, by the way :D
12/1/2013 c5 4lilpopsplash
Oh. My. God. You need to update! This is such a good story.
7/3/2013 c5 SkyWing
UPDATE! This story is too good to be left like this!
3/24/2012 c5 3Dying Heart Alchemist
Oh my gawd, this is a good story. Please update soon!
2/29/2012 c5 13Beckett Simpleton
wow...this is really good! it's got a lovely atmosphere, i can see every bit of this in my mind!

I really love this so far. really! an update would be gold!

2/5/2012 c5 2Xtraitor
Aww poor Eddie.
11/17/2011 c5 Ducky
Once a week, my butt! :( I like this one so please don't give up on it!
5/3/2011 c5 nice
nice story i rly like it! :)
3/29/2011 c1 5Misaki Takahashi Akihiko
aww. Shot. But i like this.

8/5/2010 c5 5bluedivia
update i want to know what happens
5/2/2010 c5 major ed groupie
An excellent story you have caught my attention and now I'm hooked. Can't wait for the next chapter to be posted.
4/5/2010 c5 2manga-animelove
omg... this was just one of the best parental Roy/Ed stories ever... please update soon... I wanna know what will happen next... :3
4/1/2010 c5 14Fullmetal.Alchemist.Fan
WOOHOO! WRITE MORE! This is truly the best parental Roy/Ed story I've seen yet! Counting that's its the second one I've read (the first was a one-shot by BaroqueAngel. Sorry if I spelt it wrong)

Keep writing! I'mma rooting for you!
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