Just In
for Noctuary

7/10/2010 c16 1Y0urDownfall
Ah, fuck! Don't leave it there! That's cruel and unusual punishment! Gah...
6/6/2010 c16 thecatchisdeadliest
I love this story, may as well make her a vamp too. Update soon!
5/27/2010 c16 CalligraphersNib
oooooooh my gosh, this story is INCREDIBLE! As of now, it is possibly the most well-written, creative, and professional story I have read on fanfic, which is saying something. (^_^) I love the way you take so much time to describe how everything appears, right down to the furniture! It makes it so easy to become completely immersed in the story, which of course is the reason for reading it in the first place. (^_^) I particularly admire the way you portray and build the characters, it seems to have a natural progression that makes them more realistic. You should be incredibly proud of what you have created, and I look forward to reading more works by you in the future!


5/26/2010 c16 SomebodyWhoCares
5/26/2010 c1 courtnieduffel
I really enjoyed this story, thank you :)
5/26/2010 c16 11SharkGurl
Ha! I knew they would get out. Awesome chapter.
5/26/2010 c16 3murgatroid-98
Excellent chapter. I'm glad Eva figured out how to get loose by sacrificing her hand. I hope it goes back together okay.
5/16/2010 c15 4spartankukla
Love love love the story! Keep it up & update sooon :)
5/16/2010 c15 16tanhil1992
i love your story so so so much. your OC is amazing to me and i love the way you describe Eric, especially in chapter 15! plz update soon! i'm dying to know what happens!
5/8/2010 c15 143clawswrites
Next chapter soon? **puppy dog eyes**

Eric can't die!

Gabe x
4/27/2010 c15 48Zoja
Oh my god! XD I want to know what will happen! XD I love your story! :) Hope you'll update soon =)
4/21/2010 c9 Mrs Padackles
Great chapter! x
4/17/2010 c15 2x3sunnydaay
I love this story. It's so awesome. I can't wait to see what happens next! Update soon please!
4/16/2010 c15 2TheDarkTomorrow
! 3
4/13/2010 c15 3Alec Ramsey
Oh I hope you update again soon... this chapter was wonderful with emotion. You expressed and detailed it beautifully. I really hope that there is a way to save Eric. Great job.
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