Just In
for Noctuary

4/13/2010 c15 11SharkGurl
Eric! Don't let him die!
4/13/2010 c15 Tacoko
3 Aw, this is really sad.D8 But I loved it~ 3 Plz update soon.
4/13/2010 c15 3murgatroid-98
I'd forgotten about this one and I'm glad to see it again. It is very moving. I do hope someone will be able to rescue them.
4/12/2010 c15 a single white rose
This is so depressing, please update quickly so that I can be sure that this won't be the end of Eric Northman!
4/9/2010 c8 Mrs Padackles
Another great chapter! x
4/8/2010 c7 Mrs Padackles
Fabulous chapter! x
4/2/2010 c14 2evacromwell
Brilliant story cant wait till the next chapter
3/31/2010 c14 Ange
Oh my god, what a cliffhanger! I love this story and I'm dying to know how this turns out! Evalina is a great OFC, very well developed and interesting. Hope we get more soon!
3/30/2010 c6 Mrs Padackles
Great chapter! x
3/26/2010 c5 Mrs Padackles
Great chapter - can't wait to read the next one! x
3/26/2010 c4 Mrs Padackles
Really good chapter, I'm really enjoying this story. x
3/22/2010 c3 Mrs Padackles
Great chapter, really enjoying this story! x
3/19/2010 c2 Mrs Padackles
Loved this chapter, well done! Can't wait to read the next one! x
3/19/2010 c1 Mrs Padackles
Really enjoyed this chapter, can't wait to read the next one! x
3/4/2010 c14 Tacoko
8D I love much. 3
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