Just In
for Matchmaker Hokage

1/31/2023 c1 19draco122
Well done.
11/30/2013 c1 4NaniMok
Hilarious! Quite quirky and lovable.
7/31/2012 c1 1zyry
LOl Tsunade .. hehe cute story !
6/3/2012 c1 luzhikari
one of the best naruhina shot's ever really! funny and cute! nice job!
10/21/2011 c1 1RisingMist
LOL! Poor Tsunade. Shikamaru rocks!
4/4/2011 c1 5kagomecathanyo
lol shikamaru is realy a lazy genious! i realy thought the story was KAWAII!
6/20/2010 c1 3DayDreaming0f y0u
LOL! That was great! I love her playing matchmaker. I love HInata and Naruto.
6/1/2010 c1 3Chewie Cookies
Oh, Gawd, that was funny! After all that, Tsunade still loses!

Keep up the good work!
2/11/2010 c1 1kiuibi123
ahahahaha this is so funny!
11/17/2009 c1 BabyReptar
it was funny wen naruto tried to say something
11/15/2009 c1 Sarcastic Apple
Well, I liked it. And it was amusing but I was expecting more plot to the story Hinata and Naruto just seemed too happen to easy.
10/19/2009 c1 3WatashiNoTenshi07
very funny and sweet... please make a sasusaku humor/romance... thanks !
10/16/2009 c1 2Hektols
Very funny, although Naruto wouldn't act like that around the girl he loves.
10/15/2009 c1 5Fluffy Sheep
This is adorable! You really made me laugh.

Awesome job! ^_^
10/13/2009 c1 23Apex Soldier
One of the Best Naruhina one-shots I've ever read!

Blows all of mines away!

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