11/21/2017 c10 Just Someone
Hei, I like your story. But I little bit confuse in the timeline of this story. I mean, one time you said that Akamaru is a small dog and then in later chapter you said that Akamaru is a BIG dog. After that you mentioned that Naruto is 13. And here I am, when you wrote that it was after war, I though that Naruto and the rest is around 16-18...
Hei, I like your story. But I little bit confuse in the timeline of this story. I mean, one time you said that Akamaru is a small dog and then in later chapter you said that Akamaru is a BIG dog. After that you mentioned that Naruto is 13. And here I am, when you wrote that it was after war, I though that Naruto and the rest is around 16-18...
1/2/2013 c1
5Apocalypse owner
I really wanted to know more about hinatas power n could not have waited till they foud out toushiro crush on hintata XD

I really wanted to know more about hinatas power n could not have waited till they foud out toushiro crush on hintata XD
3/19/2011 c3 riliya
sit upon the Frozen Heavens, Hyourinmaru!
Rain upon the Frozen Heavens, Hyourinmaru!
sit upon the Frozen Heavens, Hyourinmaru!
Rain upon the Frozen Heavens, Hyourinmaru!
3/3/2011 c10 MayanPanther
I just read this whole fic nonstop and i couldn't review until i was done...I LOVE THIS! the way everything is starting to fall in place just makes your story more and more addictive! there are only a few spelling errors but I'd say this is one of the best stories I've read on this website! i agree with others saying that Winter Sun deserves much more reviews than it has!
Please don't stop writting Winter Sun! There are only a few romance fics that contain Hitsugaya/Hinata (my favourite pairing) and I'm excited to continue reading once u update! :D
btw, i also don't like hinamori (actually think she's annoying :p)
I just read this whole fic nonstop and i couldn't review until i was done...I LOVE THIS! the way everything is starting to fall in place just makes your story more and more addictive! there are only a few spelling errors but I'd say this is one of the best stories I've read on this website! i agree with others saying that Winter Sun deserves much more reviews than it has!
Please don't stop writting Winter Sun! There are only a few romance fics that contain Hitsugaya/Hinata (my favourite pairing) and I'm excited to continue reading once u update! :D
btw, i also don't like hinamori (actually think she's annoying :p)
12/13/2010 c10
oh this is a GREAT story lol I am very curious on how it will end I want to know when, and how Hitsugaya remembers his past and how everyone will react lol especially when they relize he is a lot older than he looks and that they havn't seen mch of his power lol CAN'T WAIT...lol...thank you for writing this thank you ^_^

oh this is a GREAT story lol I am very curious on how it will end I want to know when, and how Hitsugaya remembers his past and how everyone will react lol especially when they relize he is a lot older than he looks and that they havn't seen mch of his power lol CAN'T WAIT...lol...thank you for writing this thank you ^_^
9/14/2010 c10
All of these chapters are too cute! Please update real sooooooon. Oh, and can you please make a ToshiroxHinataxIchigo pleeeaaaaassssseee? I beg of you!(P.S. Great story3)

All of these chapters are too cute! Please update real sooooooon. Oh, and can you please make a ToshiroxHinataxIchigo pleeeaaaaassssseee? I beg of you!(P.S. Great story3)
6/22/2010 c9
EEEE! this was awesome! I very much loved it! that and I don't mind about the updating at all! you actually have perfect timing because today is my last day of school, so this update just made it even better!

EEEE! this was awesome! I very much loved it! that and I don't mind about the updating at all! you actually have perfect timing because today is my last day of school, so this update just made it even better!
6/2/2010 c1
Alrighty. Good start, I like all the strong actions verbs that you use. But the one thing is that Hinata's word "hay" should be "hey" and that "Neji-nee-san" is "Big sister Neji". Brother is Neji-nii-san. X] The difference is kind of vital.

Alrighty. Good start, I like all the strong actions verbs that you use. But the one thing is that Hinata's word "hay" should be "hey" and that "Neji-nee-san" is "Big sister Neji". Brother is Neji-nii-san. X] The difference is kind of vital.
5/28/2010 c8
Awesome chapter! I can't wait to see more of you, and plus, you managed to boost my motovation this morning! It's gonna be the high point o my day! haha, but lucky you, you get to study japanese... I'm jealous. I take french in school... :(

Awesome chapter! I can't wait to see more of you, and plus, you managed to boost my motovation this morning! It's gonna be the high point o my day! haha, but lucky you, you get to study japanese... I'm jealous. I take french in school... :(