Just In
for A Lavander Lilly, A Ice Dragon, and A SnakeFace

6/19/2013 c1 Guest
why not make a sequal where aizen erases hinas memories and makes her into ulquioras little sister
6/15/2013 c1 Guest
you should make a sequal where aizen erases hinatas memory and takes her to hueco mundo where uluquiora treats her like a little sister
4/12/2011 c1 aceMed
I loved the third rule XD
6/2/2010 c1 6lovingo0Kawaii0oGirl
nice story!:D
3/29/2010 c1 3evilbananalol
love it!

i like drabbles,

this one's really good!

cute and fluffy,

just like a bunny!

aw man, ABSOLUTELY LOVE the ending!


10/28/2009 c1 10Acumichi
Aw that was so cute! I loved it!
10/11/2009 c1 6IliiterateFool
omg! this is soo cute! i thought this was like a on-going story but i guess it's just a one-shot! haha. so does ichimaru like hinata? or is it just pure lust?
10/6/2009 c1 Ice Jewel of eternal beauty
it was excellent and should be made a story not a one shot

please update soon
10/6/2009 c1 1LadiiReckless
This is amazing! I'm surprised no one reviewed this yet. Please make more ^_^

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