Just In
for Encounter in the Woods

5/14/2014 c1 16LilithiaRW
Bahaha omg she feel asleep on him!
2/15/2013 c1 pandora-88
I love him I love ...
4/5/2012 c1 1HakutheFortuneTeller04
pffft hahahahahaha thats really cute and hilaious!
6/24/2011 c1 slumberbaby
cute is was really funny tho
8/8/2010 c1 3Aoi Ivy
wow deidara is lucky that he escaped. i mean sakura would beat the crap out of him by now if she got her hands on him! lol xD
7/5/2010 c1 7WickedlyMinx
Oh wow Deidara is a dummy
5/22/2010 c1 20Happyfish
3/10/2010 c1 Yuti-Chan
This is so awesome, I love it XD
1/5/2010 c1 16Kaze and Kiba
Liked it, funny and cute. good job. I will check out more of your work. Thanks for the fic.
1/5/2010 c1 19Mewdu
Ha, ha! Oh man, that was great. Gotta love crack.
11/23/2009 c1 11LightningInferno97
Oohh, this is one of my absolute DeiSaku favourites!
10/12/2009 c1 2Alley7744

great story
10/12/2009 c1 5MiyuCat
That was pretty cute! ^-^ I loved the mini epilogue bit; it really made me laugh. The nail polish bit was also very funny. I think the bit that got me most though, was:


Seriously, it killed me!

Great little oneshot, thankyou for writing for the best pairing ever! XD

10/11/2009 c1 FromTheCanopyAbove
Ohmygawd, I can't stop laughing! XD XD
10/10/2009 c1 18Trebla
XD this is awesome! :D i really liked it, and it brought a nice little spot of humor to my day. :D
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