Just In
for Whizzing Weasleys

9/29/2014 c1 4Feiring
Hahahah, that would be quite a confusing game that I would love to see! They totally should have their own Quidditch team.
11/22/2013 c1 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
supper funny go on
10/15/2011 c1 anna
Loved it.
6/1/2011 c1 xHPxNarniaxBTRxLydia
hi nice short story

i've would of done

Bill, Charlie,Percy - Chasers

Fred & George - Beaters

Ron - Keeper

Ginny - Seeker
2/8/2011 c1 4Yawarakai-Bunny
lol that was awesome xD
11/12/2010 c1 Rennde
Haha, this is awesome! I love the game commentary - "Weasley has the Quaffle, nice pass to Weasley, passes back to Weasley" - it made me giggle. XD And I love the way the family interacts! So cute! (I totally wish I were a Weasley. GREATEST FAMILY EVER. XD)
2/10/2010 c1 ejlu95
Nice story! I love it xD

It's funny, well written, and a great idea. Good job :)
10/17/2009 c1 eggs D
love it :D

uh, are you sure you want a well rounded critique?

i'm not sure i can give you that. xD
10/11/2009 c1 4Ravenclaw's Redhead
I liked it. Of course Percy dropped it... useless git.
10/11/2009 c1 23Silver Ash
Fun idea. I had never thought about how the Weasley's had the perfect number for a Quidditch team. But what would Harry do in it? Can't in-laws play? Maybe he can sub. :) Keep writing!

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