Just In
for Via Media

7/30/2005 c1 1Asami Black
I don't read much poetry, my friend (I wouldn't have expected it of you), but I really liked this one. I think you hit the nail on the head with Peter.
1/28/2002 c1 1Snowlily
Ugh! I hate Peter, but I still LOVED that poem. It was kinda short, but it was still fantastic! Write more poetry! =)
1/25/2002 c1 9Voltora
*stares at screen* Wow, I'm not usually very fond of poetry but that was great! *very impressed*
1/21/2002 c1 14JK Ashavah
Wow. Those three last lines were so brilliantly powerful. They sent a shiver down my spine. Great work. I just love poetry.

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