Just In
for I Will Not Bow

7/24/2012 c1 rebecca
Wow. that seemed very true to the characters, thank you for it.
1/3/2010 c1 Mufflare
Ohoho.. This is good stuff~
10/19/2009 c1 kuraitenshi2291
A bit short, but it was an interesting story nonetheless.

It made me decide to look up the song, which I am now addicted to =P [thank you]

I think the song fits really well with this story now that I've listened to it.

I agree with the previous comment, Hidan was really in character. Good job with that =D
10/18/2009 c1 DeadAccount-ClickMeforDetails
Hey there!

Though it was way too short, I really liked it.

I can say with confidence that Hidan was kept perfectly in character; more than I have seen anybody else manage to do in a while. Many mistakenly believe that keeping him in character just involves making him creatively string together an odd sequence of cuss words, but obviously, it's so much more than that!

Of course, I am biased because I'm a Hidan fan.

But anyway, good job, and I hope to see you around.

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