Just In
for Caged

3/23/2013 c1 crazy.weird.beautiful
I hink it's nice. Definitely something you could develop into something more...
7/7/2010 c1 16Zombie Reine
Honestly I hope you don't rewrite this, I enjoyed it so much it's beautiful and sad! If you must write a new version, but keep this one or I'll be sad! ♥Zombie Love♥
2/23/2010 c1 Cumberbatch-has-a-Sexy-voice
Well I liked it. Thank you.:)
1/9/2010 c1 Guest
I loved this one-shot because it seems like a plausible scene that JKR left out, which was awesome. And in comparison to "Objects in the Mirror" (which I read first) I thought this one was a lot better, but that might because there was more to read and to me Voldemort seemed more seductive.
12/24/2009 c1 26Midnight Lost
This is a great start, and even though its been months. I do hope you come up with some more updates for this.
12/8/2009 c1 Ombre-chan
i think its pretty good even if you dont like it
10/26/2009 c1 LK-HoGwArTs-hEaDgIrL
10/24/2009 c1 Raven-Burn
I thought it was really good! I'd be interested to see it continued.
10/24/2009 c1 sweet-tang-honney
great chapter.
10/23/2009 c1 IndigoPeregrine
I really like this line "She would lick her lips. Because they were so dry. It was so hot. All around her, wide, empty plains of cracked, dry dirt. There was nowhere to go."

Thank you for posting
10/22/2009 c1 7VampireGoil
i loved it!
10/21/2009 c1 8TheLadyBookworm
I know you said this is a one-shot but I would love to read more about why she's having these dreams and what not.
10/21/2009 c1 12Leremia C. Awan
I really like it.

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