9/4 c15 Guest
Wow, this is hard to get through. My father is a narcissist or has narcissistic traits. Edward is a narcissist.
Wow, this is hard to get through. My father is a narcissist or has narcissistic traits. Edward is a narcissist.
7/27 c23 mrs.lilibet cullen
Damn. It just gets better and better. Loving this story so so so so much.
Damn. It just gets better and better. Loving this story so so so so much.
5/19 c57 EndlessGloaming
Wow, what an amazing ride! I've been just hooked on this story. The character arcs were masterful. It was so emotionally intense.
Wow, what an amazing ride! I've been just hooked on this story. The character arcs were masterful. It was so emotionally intense.
5/18 c61 2That'sMzPeachesTYVM
Is Constant published now? Where can i find it, and what is your author name?
Is Constant published now? Where can i find it, and what is your author name?
2/25 c61 antipyro
Love this! You have a way of turning an unfortunate occurrence into a catastrophe! Beautiful!
If you haven’t got a beta yet, I would love to proof your work, which isn’t that bad, really. You can email me.
Love this! You have a way of turning an unfortunate occurrence into a catastrophe! Beautiful!
If you haven’t got a beta yet, I would love to proof your work, which isn’t that bad, really. You can email me.
2/25 c57 antipyro
This story is amazing and you’re a very talented writer. Your depression issues only make it real. Being a part of that world is scary, at best, but you’ve managed to pull out of it, to a degree.
How you keep all the details in an organized order, without forgetting them astounds me. Your long, involved chapters with discussions of what the characters are mindful of and to keep it straight, even while flipping around and around just makes me love you all the more. Fantastic!
I hope you’ve written more, cuz I want to read it all. Thank you so much!
This story is amazing and you’re a very talented writer. Your depression issues only make it real. Being a part of that world is scary, at best, but you’ve managed to pull out of it, to a degree.
How you keep all the details in an organized order, without forgetting them astounds me. Your long, involved chapters with discussions of what the characters are mindful of and to keep it straight, even while flipping around and around just makes me love you all the more. Fantastic!
I hope you’ve written more, cuz I want to read it all. Thank you so much!
2/24 c50 antipyro
I’m sure it was Edwards taunting words that tripped Jacob into shooting, kinda a reflex action.
Edward has to live.
I’m sure it was Edwards taunting words that tripped Jacob into shooting, kinda a reflex action.
Edward has to live.