Just In
for Hit By Destiny

11/30/2009 c15 Triinu
maybe one huge baby steo from Edward in next chptar...that would be nice, wouldn't it
11/30/2009 c15 BlankBlankBitch
I don't think I have ever hated Edward so much in a fic in my life! OMG! He is such a pathetic jack ass. I really just want Bella to get better and then go to college and meet a sweet guy that is not EDWARD! He needs to be hit by a 18-wheeler! UGH! Well I can't wait for more. I know this is going to be an Edward/Bella story but I am interested to see how you turn all of this around.

Update soon!

11/30/2009 c15 15ooza
I love it, Edward's douchery is slowly cracking!
11/30/2009 c15 3Viridis73
Argh...Why does he have so much armor? What need has he had for it?
11/30/2009 c15 7RCD-Alice
11/30/2009 c15 Cesci
All I can say is I want MORE MORE MORE
11/30/2009 c15 lotusblomsten
A douch taking baby steps, interresting point:), nice and good writen cap btw, finally something is happening
11/30/2009 c15 3Hakuba Saguru
wow. that hurt me alot for some reason
11/30/2009 c15 tkeaton1
every once in a while we see a side to edward we all love... but 90% of the time he is a total scumbag! Cant wait to see how you turn him around. :)
11/30/2009 c15 beans and cornbread
He is such an ASSHOLE! There is no nice way to put it. You can not have that much of a black heart.
11/30/2009 c15 3celtic mommy
At the rate Edward is growing a conscience, this story is going to be a few hundred chapters long. I just have no words for his asshattery.

Emmett's reaction to everything seems very in line with his 'character'. Edward may thinks he's being girly, but I like that he has some compassion in him and has been affected by the accident even though he wasn't involved.

Update soon. This is one story I read as soon as I see the update and then think about it even after I have finished the chapter.
11/29/2009 c14 shaheera
plz update cant wait 2 see wat happens in school
11/28/2009 c14 BeccyRox22
Great story, please please update soon !
11/27/2009 c14 InfallibleSerendipity

This story is really made me think and my eyes were watering...It's written exceptionally well (minus the occassional grammar/commonly misused word mistakes, but they dont' really show up enough to detract from the meaning and the impact of your writing) :]

I love your character development with Edward...I mean, fluff from the start is boring after a while, and fluff too fast is too. :] I like it when authors drag on scenes and the player Edward for as long as possible-makes the scene where they finally declare their love all the better.

Haha and good job with the goose name, :] I haven't seen that EVER. :D And I've read too many fanfics to count. Haha.

I'll definitely be keeping up with this story so update soon! 3 Thanks for writing,

11/27/2009 c13 Josefine
I'm loving this story! I'm so looking forward to next edward pov
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