Just In
for Hit By Destiny

11/26/2009 c14 Old1Account
11/26/2009 c14 2Springclaw
Hehe I liked this chap I realy want to see what happens next maby Edward will stop being an ass and try to be nice to her for once :)

luv, Ash
11/26/2009 c14 Im Poiosned
you write English better than me and I'm English lol good chapter :D
11/26/2009 c14 Mrs.Pixie.Cullen
Great Story@!
11/25/2009 c14 4Adidasgrl328
just wanted to say really quickly that if bella wants to drop out of school, she can. she's over 16, which is the age at which attending school is no longer mandatory.
11/25/2009 c6 Old1Account
omg! awesome!
11/25/2009 c14 1princess michelle
Poor bella! I'm dying to know what happened with her mom and jacob and billy! I hope we find out soon and I hope edward turns out to be more of a human being then he's proving to be! And alice is so nice I love her! I wish bella would give her a chance!
11/25/2009 c14 Wicked Rose Red
Great chapter!

I'm expecting Alice to stick by Bella when she returns to school, whether Bella likes it or not! And maybe Emmett too; he'll want to make up for Edward's inability to step up and do the right thing...
11/25/2009 c13 princess michelle
that chapter was so sad how can edward be such a complete fuckingg douchhe! i dont understand! ughh i feel so bad for bella and i cried in this chapter =(
11/25/2009 c14 sballLuvr5
really great chapter... i cant wait to see what happens when she goes back to school. update soon!

11/25/2009 c14 1zemmeline
You did great considering English isn't your first language. Update soon! -Lola
11/25/2009 c14 2ColfaxBella
Another great chapter. As much as this fic kills my heart, I love to read it. I had no idea that English wasn't your first language, so well done! This is one of my favorite fics, and I can't wait to see where you take it next. Cheers!
11/25/2009 c14 1TotallyStacey
this story is awesome i cant wait for the next chapter =]
11/25/2009 c14 iamcaraa
can't wait to see what happens next! i hope you updated soon(:
11/25/2009 c14 16An End Has A Start
As always, loved the chapter. I really want to see her go back to school and how people are going to treat her. I'm thinking they'll probably be pretty decent about it, or maybe that's wishful thinking on my part. I also want to see how Edward is being treated by the rest of the student body, thinking mixed reactions there. Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter and thanks for updating.
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