Just In
for Hit By Destiny

11/13/2009 c12 2ColfaxBella
Hi. Just a quick note to let you know how much I'm enjoying a masochistic you wreck my heart kind of way. :) Every chapter is better than the last. Well done.
11/13/2009 c12 15Padfoot-Moony-Pronglet

this story is so god

i rarely cry however at the end of this chapter i was crying

i swear

plz update as soon as i is possible 4 u =P
11/11/2009 c12 otaku-freak-16
I am loving this story. Sorry I haven't reviewed until now, laziness has been really hitting me. Anywho, I can't wait to read the next chapter. Keep up the great work!
11/11/2009 c12 asimpledesign
Great chapter although edwards doin my head in again... augh you would think that he would have enough common sense like! He even insults her in the hostipal!OMG what an idiot! keep on writing i cant wait until we finally see edwards humanity or what he has left of it!Update soon!
11/11/2009 c12 1Aimezer
That chapter was amazing I really hope you update before friday because I am going camping!
11/11/2009 c12 samantamax
this one was excruciating.

loved it!

the best so far!
11/11/2009 c12 2lordbaelish
Please update quickly! Not only do I love the plot of this story, but I love you're style of writing. It's fantastically realistic (if you can call reality fantastic, that is)
11/11/2009 c12 Rosaa
Go Charlie! Finally he stands up for his daughter.

I'm embarrassed to say that I actually liked the cocky and idiotic side of Edward. If Edward was human you would know that's probably how he would be. Let's get real people, if you’re that good looking and have girls throwing yourself after you, you would probably get that personality in the end.

I get more and more suspicious about Renée, what is her problem? Does she suffer from delusions or schizophrenia maybe? She surly can switch from nice soccer mum to something I don't even want to think about.

I hate when your chapters end, I just want to read more!
11/11/2009 c12 acw1
don't know what to say this story. Thanks for the great, well written chapter.
11/11/2009 c12 Im Poiosned
I really hate Renee in this one good chapter :)
11/10/2009 c12 kidnurse123
Are we ever going to learn exactly what Renee,and I am guessing Billy and Jacob, did to Bella? I am guessing it is something to do with the legend that was told. What is wrong with Charlie and How come everyone says that it was Bella's fault? I think some clarification is due as well as why Bella is seen as such a pariah by her peers, being unsocial or "nerdy" is one thing, but your story has her peers being downright malicious, is there another story here too? Hope for some clarifications because on the whole your story is good. Edward needs to have his wake up call and a swift kick to his balls to boot. I hate when people think they are better than everyone else because they are "cool".
11/10/2009 c12 Marianka
I like it..)
11/10/2009 c12 1Squishfie
I actually feel a bit sorry for Edward to tell the truth. :(
11/10/2009 c12 craZycraZycraZy
that was good! i can't wait to see what edward's feeling? and i want to know what happened three months ago?
11/10/2009 c12 starlight90
I am still not happy with the way Bellas father is treating her but I can see alittle bit more clearly than before ( good job with that)

I'm glad that Dr C. helped Bella realize that he is no fool and she was not going to get around him that easily. But honestly what did everyone think when she went to the hospital 3 months prior.

She should have been getting help since then.

And sorry to say but those Drs in Seattle don't have a clue. There is nothing fine about her mom and I seriously question Charlies mental state if he allows her to continue to be around Bella with her state of mind being what it is.

SORRY! If it was me not happening!
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