Just In
for Hit By Destiny

11/5/2009 c9 acw1
look forward to reading more of your story.
11/5/2009 c8 Abby
IS charlie completely out of his mind ?

bringing her back home ! BASTARD

HE doesn't really love her !

Poor Bella :( :'(
11/5/2009 c8 Rosaa
omg, what a scary story Billy told them. and suddenly i understands why bella has scars on her arms.

Update soon, this is an great story :)
11/4/2009 c8 asimpledesign
aw i cnt wait til the accident happens cause edward really needs a kick to wake him up! update as soon a u can!
11/4/2009 c8 ChrisRW
Oh crap. I can guess what Rene did to Bella now. No wonder she is screwed up. Plus she is coming home? That should push Bella over the edge so to speak.
11/3/2009 c8 lotusblomsten
come on, just a little more to go
11/3/2009 c8 3Elizabeth Keller
Oh man! Such a great story! I can't wait to read more!
11/3/2009 c8 craztef
wow this is a great fic

i like it

my guess is that Renee thought the whole ritual thing was true and tried to do it with Bella

update soon

take care
11/3/2009 c8 Wicked Rose Red
Great chapter! I'm looking forward to the next one!
11/3/2009 c8 1insolentelittlewolf

Post more ASAP pleasee! Can't wait to see what happens next!

This is quickly becoming one of my fave new stories =]

Update soon!



11/3/2009 c7 thisisntmyapartment
leave a review after the beep. ahahahaha . I am not in anyway way afraid of renee either.

Im revewing because that made me laugh.

not because your story is good. its horrible, shame on you.

god im so mean :) ahaha no im just kidding. I actually really liked it. i read it all in like an hour and you left it off a day before the accident. I'll get over it...eventually...
11/3/2009 c8 irishchristina007
cant wait for more update soon:)
11/3/2009 c8 1Aimezer
How did she get released? She almost killed her daughter because of she wanted to be beautiful and young forever. Stupid women.
11/3/2009 c8 hooker81
oh hell no I would run!
11/3/2009 c8 2CaitlinC
This was probably my favorite chapter so far, the legend was very creative! can't wait until 2 more chapter...maybe edward wont be such a butthole
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