Just In
for Hit By Destiny

11/1/2009 c7 1Aimezer
Why is edward such an asshole? Come on with the 3,2 days before the accident get on with the good stuff please!
11/1/2009 c7 21Snapdragons
That was so wrong what they did, but so funny!

Rhonda :)
11/1/2009 c7 Archerywoman
want the accident
11/1/2009 c7 acw1
great chapter.
11/1/2009 c7 asimpledesign
please update soon!
11/1/2009 c7 Marianka
I like it..)
11/1/2009 c7 1Twilight-Isabella-Always-Yours
Yep, I hate this Edward..hehehe it's good though I wove Emmett...he is my damn teddy bear..
11/1/2009 c7 2kickedbckntn
so would it be edward karma that he winds up hitting bella? but still very funny about the whole set up mike to look gay. loved it when jasper got jealous and decided to join in the prank. Love the over hearing thing going on too.
10/29/2009 c6 1Twilight-Isabella-Always-Yours
Oh I love it...poor Bella she has a damn bad life...
10/29/2009 c6 1Aimezer
update update update
10/29/2009 c6 Twilightobseser
UGH! I want to know what happened to her family and The Blacks so bad now! UGH! Post SOON!
10/29/2009 c6 asimpledesign
this is a amazing piece of writting as it is so emotional and i have to say in all honesty that it is the first fanfiction piece that makes me come out in tears!please update soon!
10/29/2009 c6 2CaitlinC
This chapter was the best yet! I need to know what happens!
10/29/2009 c6 irishchristina007
omg i want to know what happened to her please tell us soon or you can give me some hints:) ;)
10/29/2009 c6 ChrisRW
I'm tearing up thinking what Bella has gone through and what she wants to do to herself. This is a very powerful and well written story. Thanks for update! You have posted a lot in the last 5 days, have fun this weekend, lol.
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