Just In
for Sweet, Sweet Scotch

6/7/2012 c1 7liragreen
I was trying to think of something to say other than "wow", but all I came up with was "Holy wow."

You are an amazing writer. I've never ready anything slash before, but I'm totally glad I read this. The angst, the sadness, the perfect phrasing. I felt like I was watching it happen. I felt like I felt it-the loneliness, the heartbreak, the anger, the pain.

"...fumbling for skin that is not our own..." you should be paid to write stuff like this.
2/20/2011 c1 Teemuh
This is amazing. So many layers. I don't even know what to say about it. Just keep writing.
1/19/2011 c1 fucknickelback
I will admit that because of my despise for all things Twilight, I did only skim this story. But, the parts I did read were wonderful, and that is definitely saying a lot. You can't imagine how difficult it is for a person who no longer likes Twilight to manage a Twilight community. Normally, I don't bother reading requests at all; I simply ignore them or add them without looking at the content. However, since you asked so sweetly, I did give it a once-over. I liked the pairing, as far as Twilight pairings go; I am a fan of slash, although it normally would be Draco and Harry or Sirius and Remus, but that's besides the point. I'm sorry that I can't be a very good critique, but I did enjoy the bits that I read. Good job! (: Also, my apologies for rambling on about my dislike for Twilight in a review for a Twilight story; I'm sure your thinking that I'm tactless, and I wouldn't disagree at this point. I liked the "strangeness" of the plot. In my experience (yes, I did once muddle through loads of Twilight fanfiction, hence the community), even the A/U stuff is all very similiar. This was totally different and I liked that. I liked the scotch, too. ;)


PS. Sorry again for the rambling.
1/26/2010 c1 Guest
wow. wondeful writing.
1/16/2010 c1 Derdriu oFaolain
Holy angst, Batman! That was HOT. And amazingly well-written. I've never read Jacob/Edward slash, but this was surprisingly convincing. Your take on Edward and Jacob here is full of wonderful chemistry (way more sexiness than SMeyer's Edward 'I wanna touch your face so hard' Cullen and IsaBrainless Swan.) In other words, you write passionate and serious/sad emotion very well. It's hard to do introspection in short fiction like this, but you rock it, for sure. Anyway, I was curious about the works of my most loyal reviewer, and consider me beyond impressed. Getting good reviews from a good writer is a lovely feeling. Oh, and thanks for the profile mention ;) I'm actually taking a break from working on the next chapter of that behemoth at this very moment!
12/20/2009 c1 27NanaMun
I am quite happy that I decided to peruse some oneshots and came across this. This was very well written and just...amazing.
12/13/2009 c1 9BeCullen
so sad for them both. good luck
12/9/2009 c1 31BeeCityz
This is so lovely. I love it. ^^

Good job.
12/7/2009 c1 MeiSun
Interesting perspective. :)
12/7/2009 c1 8Rosmarina
Wow, I don't know why I skipped reading this one until now but I'm sorry that I waited so long. It was really angsty and sad but very well-written. I really admire anyone who can pull off good cannon slash.
11/27/2009 c1 3Sanai15
This was really quite good. This is definitley one of the better edward/jake fics I've read. Thank you for this wonderful piece of literature.
11/5/2009 c1 38Utena-Puchiko-nyu
Sad, but i like it.

Kisses from Argentina!
11/1/2009 c1 4Merina Green
That was pretty cool.
10/31/2009 c1 1GreyTruth
Oh my god.
10/30/2009 c1 35mia-dcwut-09
nicely done

i really like it

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