Just In
for Daddy's Sweetest Gift

9/18/2018 c28 aj.poppin
Love it so much
9/29/2017 c34 Netchka
Funerals are never good things. Poor Katie with her Mom freeking her out on the phone. Hopefully Jen will be back soon.
9/29/2017 c22 Netchka
Great chapter. I thought poor Kate was going to be grounded for life? Gibbs has mellowed.
9/21/2014 c27 victoria
My brother has Asperger's Syndrome
12/28/2013 c28 Guest
I don't like how you make it sound like autism is a bad thing. I think all kids with autism are amazing and talented in ways we can't even begin to understand.

AHHHHH! That sounded mean, but that's just what I think... The book is awesome so far! Keep on writing!
11/5/2013 c33 2lollypop1996
hey this story is great, one thing though maybe put the chapters in the order that they happen in the show
11/5/2013 c4 lollypop1996
hey just so you know it's 'Little House On The Prarie. But other than that i love this story do far
10/26/2012 c34 12vd.alfredo
i like your story, but i think it os a pity that you are throwing the timeline around like that, because it makes it really confusing
5/30/2012 c34 Rae
Update please
5/9/2012 c34 JPNCIS
yes i thought u left.. but YAY :)

i freaked out. i almost stopped reading once i though jenny was dead but luckily i kept reading :D

upload more often.. or at least once every 3 months ;)
4/25/2012 c34 2ElizabethCullen08
You came back! Great chapter! Can't wait to read more!
4/19/2012 c34 49CountessCora
Putting this on favorites now bvause it's that great!
4/18/2012 c34 Sasha Elizabeth
Excellent part!
4/18/2012 c32 Sasha Elizabeth
This chapter made me cry! It's the part I was wondering if you'd write from when I first started reading chapter one. I knew Kate and Big Kate had to be close, sharing a name like that. Can you maybe do some flashback chapters in the future about when Kate met Big Kate or something like that?

Sasha E
4/18/2012 c34 5IndiAcidSnake
oh my fucking god! this is the only NCIS fanfiction i still read, and when i saw the email in my inbox, i froze, my jaw fell off and i started to cry...well i haven't stopped since! oh sweet Jesus. that killed me, like literally shattered my heart into a million pieces. SHIT, i have to go to school in like 40 minutes!

please sweet thing, don't leave updates so long. i was praying for months every time i opened my inbox that there would be an email from you, and today there was!

update soon!

Love NCISchick xoxo
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