Just In
for Objects in the Mirror

1/2/2012 c1 1Fangirl JaeRaeTee
I loved this fic! I cant wait too readd more from u!
7/28/2011 c1 19r.a.b. shoulda lived
oooh i love this song too the last band my dad was in they did this song so for a while it was on my ipod. even though it was voldy i pictured him as tom because i find tom sexier
1/19/2010 c1 7deathofaraven
Definitely the perfect song for this story. It was brilliant. *wants more*


11/1/2009 c1 Mama Shireman
I love this song to! great story
10/31/2009 c1 BookishBrains
I absolutely loved this! I wish it went longer; however, it was wonderfully written and well put out. The ending had a very satisfying cut off that was not a cliffy but not a solid ending. Left room for imagination.

It would be lovely if you continued with this, but I enjoyed it very much. KUDOS!

10/31/2009 c1 3Raina Meldamiriel
lol loved it
10/31/2009 c1 LK-HoGwArTs-hEaDgIrL

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